If you've ever thought "Wow, Lisa really does ALL the things!" then this is the episode where you'll learn... I really, really don't. That's because I have Ashley Kay in my corner: the CEO and Founder of AK Virtual Assistant Services. After developing her talents for organization and project management in the corporate world for over a decade, Ash found herself craving more fulfillment. She began AK Virtual Assistant services in 2016, when she realized that supporting people isn't just what she does best — it's what she thrives on. 

And lucky me, I get to be one of those people! Ash and I have worked together for three and a half years now, and we have both grown, shifted, and faced our fair share of challenges along the way. So I was super pumped to have her on the show to talk about all that and so much more, including:

The hardest part of leaving behind the "hustle and grind" mentality  Building a team and giving up control as an entrepreneur Transparency as a way to honor yourself and those around you Creating a safe container for people to flourish and to flop Her advice to other leaders and entrepreneurs

“Entrepreneurship is not easy. Running a team is not easy. I carry the weight of my team every day. [...] That heaviness can get to me, but I think it's important to remember that you're not alone, and there are other people you can talk to, or lean on for advice. On the days when you feel like giving up, or like you're the worst leader in the world? Just remember that you are doing your best.”

Ash, thank you so much for being on the show today and everything that you shared! I consider myself so lucky knowing that you and your team have my back. If you'd like to learn more about Ash and AK Virtual Assistant Services, check out https://www.akvirtualassistant.com/.

So, my fellow leaders and entrepreneurs, how did this land for you? Don't forget, you can always book a call with me over at https://lisakuzman.com, or send an email to [email protected]. And of course, if you want to join the larger conversation, that's all happening in my trauma sensitive leadership group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/764082764458292/

We'd love to see you there!