This is a longer interview than usual, but I have a feeling you're going to love every minute of it — I know I sure did! My guest this week is Vangile Makwakwa, who helps women of color heal ancestral money trauma so they can fall in love with their bank accounts, increase income and live their best lives. She's an author, an avid traveler, and the host of multiple podcasts: the Property Magicians Podcast, and the Money Magic Podcast. And thanks to the magic of the internet, she was able to join me from all the way in South Africa!

We had so much to talk about, including:

What went on for Vangile behind the scenes over the past year Constant embodiment and self-care, in business and beyond Power, integrity, and the divine guidance to return to yourself Respecting and honoring NO — as well as the all-in YES!

"What I noticed about being coached through objections is that sometimes people will coach you to override your soul messaging. They'll make you believe that they know more about your business than you do. This is why I'm also really adamant about telling people, I cannot tell you what your strategy will be. What I can do is hold the space for you to determine what feels right for you, what feels right in your body."

Vangile, thank you so much for joining me on the podcast and having such a lively, deep conversation. Want more from Vangile? Find her on Twitter and Instagram under @vangilemakwakwa, and on search for Wealthy Money on Facebook. She also has an abundance of free resources, including her podcasts, over at

And as always, if you want to connect with me, you've got options! Send your podcast questions and topic requests to [email protected], or head over to to book a call for a one-on-one jam sesh. You can also join my trauma sensitive leadership group here: