In my inspiring conversation with Dan Cumberland of the Meaning Movement (and like half a dozen other projects), we discuss...

::How finding “meaningful work” does not always look like you think it will. 

::How the “4 P’s” of meaningful work can be applied to restaurant service.  Improve your relationship to the little aspects of the job and going to work totally gets transformed. 

::How crisis is good…especially if you have a mentor like Dan.  Pay attention to what has to change in your life now to prevent even greater personal and professional challenges down the road.

::How being driven by necessity can help us know who we are and what is meaningful to us. 

::Does doing “work that matters” have to require breaking out of a 9-5 job? 

::Finding a balance between generating a livelihood and living our mission.

All Roads That Lead To Dan: 

Meaning Movement
The "Calling Course"
Meaning Movement (Facebook)
Dan Cumberland (Twitter)

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