“Thinking you’re too enlightened to define yourself or want something from life is a trap.  If you’re not playing your role in life truthfully, then you’re doing a disservice to the world.”
-Mike Ortiz

Tea as a consciousness-raising path...and a consciousness-raising livelihood: sure you can get deep wisdom and self-understanding from sitting with it...but also from selling it.
Would having all the money in the world compromise your mission?  Is hunger and basic human need what drives truly great work, i.e. work as a self-cultivation practice?
Whether it really makes sense to think that certain roles don't define your identity.  How else can really truly play them, then?  Mike illuminates how using advanced acting principles (from the school of "Practical Aesthetics") unexpectedly allows you to more authentically show up to these major roles that life demands.
When going out with people, when is the food and drink experience a buffer to really connecting and when is it a facilitator?
How sitting together in silence allows a deeper and more authentic connection of one another.
The power of breathing with intention/attention in frustrating situations.  Oh...and remaining humble as f*ck.

All Roads That Lead To Michael:
JoJo Tea (Website)
JoJo Tea (Instagram)
Tea Time!  With Mike & Mike Podcast (i-Tunes)
Michael Ortiz (Instagram)