Sermons from Aberdeen Christian Fellowship artwork

Sermons from Aberdeen Christian Fellowship

820 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

We are an evangelical church associated with the Baptist Union of Scotland and situated in the city of Aberdeen, Scotland. Our worship services, fellowship opportunities, outreach programmes and courses to aid lifelong maturity are driven by our central passion: to make, mature and mobilise followers of Jesus Christ from the whole city.

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February 22, 2012 16:06 - 17 minutes - 16 MB

David Maclure's talk from the Sunday evening service

The Raising of Lazarus (pt 1)

February 22, 2012 15:54 - 38 minutes - 35.2 MB

Vijay looks at the 7th and last Messianic sign in John's Gospel, the raising of Lazarus from the dead (John 11.1-44). In this part of his exposition, he expands on the astonishing claim that Jesus makes. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Life is not simply some sort of material thing or process, but a person. Jesus is the very source and cause of all creation and life. To reject Christ ultimately is to reject the very source that animates and energises life. But, to believe in Jesus is...

The Light that Gives True Sight

February 13, 2012 10:14 - 32 minutes - 29.4 MB

Returning to the Healing of the Man Born Blind (John 9.1-38), Vijay looks at how Jesus, the Light of the World gives sight to those who believe him and worship him as Lord. From this account we learn that faith in Christ Jesus gives us the true perspective, allowing us to see the universe, our circumstances and lives for what they truly are.  


February 07, 2012 09:14 - 21 minutes - 9.72 MB

Gillian's talk on courage from the evening service

Thomas - from disbelief to doxology

February 07, 2012 09:05 - 39 minutes - 18.2 MB

When is doubt not doubt?  Answer - when it's disbelief.  In this message, James looks at the encounter between the risen Lord Jesus Christ and the man who is popularly known as "Doubting Thomas".  This encounter transformed Thomas from someone who stubbornly refused to believe the evidence of the resurrection into someone who worshipped Jesus as his Lord and God.  

The Light of the World Gives Sight

February 01, 2012 10:39 - 38 minutes - 35.4 MB

In part one of two sermons on Jesus' encounter with the man born blind (John 9.1-38), Vijay looks at some of the lessons learned about who Jesus is as the Light of the World. As Light of the World, Jesus offers not only physical, but also spiritual sight to the blind. We do not properly see things for what they are until we are first illuminated by seeing Jesus.

Faith that Finishes

January 25, 2012 13:57 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

In the race of life, is it your desire to finish well?  How can this be done?  Florence concludes her series on various aspects of faith in the life of the great Old Testament leader, Moses, and highlights five ways that we can have faith that finishes and finishes well. 

Encountering Jesus in the Storm

January 20, 2012 12:47 - 38 minutes - 34.9 MB

In this sermon, Vijay looks at John 6.16-21. He observes  that we find ourselves feeling the most helpless when we experience 'natural' needs (like sickness, natural calamities, death and so on). In this passage, the disciples encounter Jesus while they are in a boat on a stormy sea. In their moment of deepest need, they see Jesus walking on water. They seem him as the One who is Lord over nature. Jesus is not subject to the physical laws of nature. If Jesus provides help where we feel most ...

Book of Ruth - Iain 8th Jan 2012

January 12, 2012 15:09 - 33 minutes - 38 MB

Iain speaks on the Book of Ruth and highlights that God is still working despite the circumstances that we experience.  

Getting that Christmas feeling

December 12, 2011 10:52 - 40 minutes - 36.7 MB

What do two miraculous pregnacies, a bouncing baby boy, an all time hit worship song, family trouble and a sermon from a man who had been deaf and dumb all have in common?  Answer - they all formed part of the series of amazing events leading up to the first Christmas.  In this one-off message, James looks at the exciting build up to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and extracts some practical lessons for us as we approach Christmas.

There's something about Mary

December 06, 2011 16:35 - 16 minutes - 14.9 MB

Mary mother of Jesus gets mentioned by name less than 20 times in the New Testament but she is an intriguing character. Pete looks in a bit more detail at the life of the person who probably spent more time than anyone else with Jesus.

Knowing God in the Incarnation (Heb 1.1-4)

December 06, 2011 13:45 - 33 minutes - 30.3 MB

The incarnation refers to God coming in the form of humanity. But, why does God do so? Hebrews 1.1-4 states that it is so that humans could come to know and love God and be known and loved by God. The Son of God lays aside all advantage and takes on the vulnerability of a man in order to offer every human the opportunity to know him personally.

Faith that Fails

November 27, 2011 18:25 - 37 minutes - 17.1 MB

Moses was a great Old Testament leader who spoke face-to-face with God and is mentioned more than once in the Bible as a man of faith.  Despite this, he experienced failure.  In this message, Florence shows that failure doesn’t have to be final and gives six ways that we can apply lessons from this incident in Moses’ life to our own circumstances. 

The Feeding of the Five Thousand John 6:1-15

November 22, 2011 16:13 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

Vijay looks at John's account of Jesus' feeding of the five thousand . He reminds us that the point of the account is not just to highlight the miraculous provision of food for the crowd. All the details of this miracle are clues to a deeper point that John's Gospel is making. Jesus is the new Moses who satisfies humanity's deepest hunger by offering himself to them. He is the Shepherd Lord who provides humanity their deepest need. He concludes by offering a challenge. Are we open to Jesus m...

The Emmaus Two - from discouragement to dynamism

November 15, 2011 20:47 - 38 minutes - 17.6 MB

In this second of the messages from the Transforming Encounters series, James explores how an encounter with the risen Christ completely transforms two discouraged people into a picture of dynamic enthusiasm.  

How’s your love life?

November 10, 2011 17:32 - 24 minutes - 22.2 MB

Based on Matt. 22 v 34-40, we’re asked to love God with every part of our being, then love our neighbour (anyone) in the same way. Is it an overwhelming assignment?  

Tear Fund presentation

November 10, 2011 16:13 - 37 minutes - 34.3 MB

Fiona Morrison from Tear Fund gave an inspirational overview of the work of the charity

A Sabbath Healing

November 02, 2011 17:56 - 34 minutes - 15.7 MB

In John 5.1-18, Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath who has been incapacitated by illness. By doing this on a Sabbath, Jesus claims to be God. This is because as far as the Jews were concerned working on the Sabbath is God's prerogative. The man who is healed by Jesus responds to this amazing miracle on the Sabbath with apathy. The Jewish authorities respond to Jesus with outrage, his actions are blasphemous. Vijay asks the question: how do we who confess Jesus to be Lord respond to his claims....

True Worship

November 02, 2011 17:24 - 32 minutes - 37.1 MB

Iain talks about how true worship comes from the heart in response to our deep love for God.

Faith that Follows

October 17, 2011 15:09 - 36 minutes - 33.4 MB

Florence continues her series of incidents from the life of Moses with “Faith that Follows”.  Moses followed God’s instructions by returning to Egypt; by petitioning Pharaoh to let God’s people go; and by instituting the Passover.  Florence goes on to show the link between the Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and how we, too, can have faith that follows.     

Mary Magdalene - from despair to delight

October 12, 2011 14:58 - 35 minutes - 32.6 MB

Christianity is not just about feelings and beliefs, it's also about facts.  The greatest fact is that on the third day after his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead.  People met Him and were completely transformed.  In the first message of this new series, James looks at the encounter Mary Magdalene had with the risen Jesus, an encounter which transformed her from a picture of despair to a picture of delight.  

Message and Testimonies from baptismal service

October 06, 2011 00:00 - 35 minutes - 32.7 MB

Rebecca, Anna, Kirstie and Sophia got baptised ! Here are their testimonies after a message from Vijay: Jesus' encounter with the woman with the haemorrhage in Luke 8:42-48 sheds light on the nature of different barriers to faith in Christ Jesus. The woman overcomes at least four different kinds of barriers when she encounters Jesus in faith: the crowds, the disciples, the person of Jesus and herself. Faith in Christ is an invitation to take what often feels like a risky step through the...

Faith that Fears

September 29, 2011 14:26 - 37 minutes - 34 MB

Florence begins a four-part series on incidents from the life of Moses.  In this first message in the series, she looks at "Faith that Fears", showing how Moses, a man of faith, demonstrated five examples of fear when he encountered God at the burning bush.  Tune in to this message and see how many of these you can relate to.

Believing is Seeing

September 29, 2011 14:03 - 35 minutes - 32.5 MB

This morning, Vijay draws some lessons from Jesus' encounter with the Royal Official in John 4:46-54. Many come to Jesus wanting to see his signs and miracles. To them 'seeing is believing'. But, Jesus' invitation to himself is something much greater than an invitation to meet a miracle worker. He wants them to believe that he is the Saviour of the World. In fact, only those who believe in him truly see properly. They see Jesus for who he really is and life for what it really is. Seeing is n...

The Identity of the King

September 27, 2011 15:36 - 33 minutes - 30.9 MB

Isaiah was privileged to have a glimpse of the King of Glory.  But who is He?  James concludes his series from Isaiah 6 by showing that the King of Glory is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ.

Did God actually order the 'genocide' of the Canaanites?

September 08, 2011 13:49 - 47 minutes - 43.8 MB

Second 'Tough Question' from the Tuesday Bible study


September 06, 2011 10:27 - 37 minutes - 34.7 MB

In this morning's service, Vijay looks at the subject of worship. He gleans insights about the nature of worship from Judah's dedication of the wall in Neh 12.27-47. Worship, he suggests, is full of gratitude, active and Scripture-led. A worshipful individual and community is marked with joy and generosity.

How do the Old and New Testaments relate to each other?

August 31, 2011 15:43 - 43 minutes - 30 MB

First in Vijay's Tuesday night ' Tough Questions ' series - part of our regular Tuesday night bible study

The Storm

August 30, 2011 12:59 - 32 minutes - 29.6 MB

Iain speaks about the storm in Matthew 14 and the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Back to School with God 2011 - Gillian Mackenzie

August 22, 2011 14:07 - 15 minutes - 14.1 MB

Prayer: What do you think of it? What do you pray about? Do you see God answer, then share what it's all about? Lets look at answers from Acts 12 and how it can inspire you for another year at school or work.

Evangelism - Malcolm 21 Aug 2011

August 22, 2011 13:26 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Malcolm's talk on Evangelism from the evening service

Colossians - Iain Gillespie

August 18, 2011 11:05 - 44.7 MB

Iain continues with his study in Colossians by looking at Ch3v1-4.  He highlights what Christ has done for us, wants to do for us and will do for us.

For the want of a nail

August 08, 2011 21:03 - 18 minutes - 8.46 MB

Pete reminds us that we all have a part to play in telling God's story - and we shouldn't beat ourselves up if we don't appear to have a starring role.

The Inadequate Messenger

August 08, 2011 15:53 - 34 minutes - 31.3 MB

Concluding the mini-series 'Good News' Casting based on Jeremiah 1, Vijay looks at a barrier to evangelism, namely, our inadequacy. He  observes that  evangelism is not optional to discipleship. It is true that followers of Christ find that their strength and skill is inadequate for the task of evangelism. But, God strengthens them with his presence, supplies them with the message and makes their lives a living witness for Him.

God's Story

August 01, 2011 12:19 - 38 minutes - 35.6 MB

Michael Benefield lays out the broad view of God's purposes begining with his act of creating the universe to what He will ultimately accomplish in this world. He then applies that to the relevance of this truth to our every day lives. If you enjoyed this sermon, perhaps you would consider supporting future episodes

The Message

August 01, 2011 12:16 - 33 minutes - 30.3 MB

Continuing his previous sermon from the series, 'Good News' Casting, Vijay looks at Jeremiah 1 to glean insights into understanding why God's good news really is 'good news'. It is because only the Christian God is the basis of objective morality. In proclaiming the truth of who Christ is a person is brought into the right moral framework that expresses itself in right action. He also goes on to suggest that we all fear something. Having the right object of fear, i.e., God, once again provid...

The Service of the King

July 18, 2011 15:00 - 38 minutes - 35.2 MB

What should be our response to the experience of meeting God and receiving His forgiveness?  James continues his series "The King of Glory" by showing, from the life of Isaiah the prophet that the only appropriate response is to offer ourselves immediately and unconditionally to serve the King.  If you enjoyed this sermon, perhaps you would consider supporting future episodes  

Evangelism - Brian Boyd

July 18, 2011 12:22 - 28 minutes - 26 MB

Brian's challenging message on evangelism from the Sunday night service If you enjoyed this sermon, perhaps you would consider supporting future episodes

Bob - 5th July 2010 Evening Service

July 06, 2011 15:30 - 30 minutes - 27.6 MB

Bob Dunbar's talk from the Sunday evening service this week If you enjoyed this sermon, perhaps you would consider supporting future episodes

Colossians - Chapter 2 5th July 2011

July 06, 2011 14:51 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

Iain concludes Colossians Ch2 by considering some of the challenges that christians are faced with, as they seek, by faith, to follow Jesus.'

The Message ( "Good News" Casting)

June 23, 2011 10:56 - 28 minutes - 26 MB

Vijay starts a mini-series titled 'Good News' Casting. It looks at the subject of evangelism. In this first sermon, featuring three real-life testimonies, he looks specifically at some aspects of the 'message' of evangelism. From Jeremiah 1, he suggests that the 'Good News' message is a bitter-sweet message that calls people to renounce their idols and base their security on the true God.

Colossians Part 6

June 21, 2011 14:57 - 36 minutes - 33.8 MB

Iain continues with Part 6 of his study in Colossians.  He considers how faith and following are fundamental to being a Christian.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!

June 05, 2011 12:00 - 32 minutes - 26 MB

Feel in need of some refreshment?  In John chapter 4, Jesus has a surprising conversation with a woman at a well where he offers her 'living water' that will bring her eternal satisfaction.

Cure for Daydreamers

June 02, 2011 11:36 - 39.7 MB

In this concluding 'postcard', Vijay looks at the Lord's letter to Laodicea (Rev 3.14-22). From this letter, we learn that perseverance is about resisitng the urge to become a 'spiritual daydreamer'. By this, Vijay, means a kind of complacence that threatens especially those gripped by materialism. 'Daydreamers' are under the illusion that their wellbeing is dependent on material prosperity and physical health. It results in an apathy towards spiritual matters.

Never Let Go

June 02, 2011 11:30 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

In this next 'postcard', Vijay looks at the Lord's letter to Philadelphia (Rev 3.7-13). From this letter we learn that perseverance is about holding on to Christ Jesus in the face of suffering. It is the commitment to continue obeying him, refusing to deny him no matter what the circumstances. Those who never let Jesus go discover he has in fact, never let go of them.  

A Cure for Sleepwalking

May 24, 2011 06:30 - 29 MB

In the fifth part of the 'Postcards for Plodders' series, Vijay turns to the Lord's letter to Sardis (Rev 3.1-6). He speaks about a kind of complacency that he calls 'spiritual sleepwalking'. It is when a church or believer goes through the motions and activites of the spiritual life on autopilot. The 'postcard' to Sardis reminds us that perseverance is about diligently keeping our focus on Christ Jesus and not on our spiritual activities

G-I-A-N-T Steps

May 15, 2011 21:00 - 39 minutes - 36.6 MB

The  account of the conflict between David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 is well known to many people.  In this message, Florence takes five steps as she walks through some important principles that can help us apply the lessons from this story to our own lives.   

The true character of God

May 15, 2011 20:00 - 25 minutes - 23.7 MB

Iain talks about some of the forgotten verses of Genesis that reveal the true character of God

Encountering God in the wilderness

May 05, 2011 09:04 - 26 minutes - 24.6 MB

Jacob encounters God in a dream when he is in a completely desolate place (Gen 28.10-22). This passage reminds us that God meets us in the most surprising places of our lives. He changes the nondescript places of our lives to make them places where we encounter Him in worship.

The Compassion of the King

May 03, 2011 13:02 - 36 minutes - 33 MB

Isaiah was privileged to have an amazing vision of God.  Did this have the effect of making him proud or conceited?  Absolutely not!  A fresh vision of God gave him a fresh vision of his own sinfulness, but also led him to experience God's grace in a new way.