Jeena Cho shares burning out as a lawyer, being diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and being chosen by lawyers to help them learn how to do self-care better. She shares how she realized that anxiety in the body is often rooted in something not being right and how she learned to listen to it. Next, we discuss how important it is in helping professions to understand the potential impacts of the work and how we can experience vicarious traumas. Also, how mindfulness allows us to notice and manage the emotions and challenges we face. We discuss the importance of listening and the value of being heard. Importantly, we discuss how privilege can make you feel guilty about pursuing self-care and how to find the sweet spot in the ways we think about ourselves to pursue self-care. Also, we discuss who deserves to have self-care and decide it is EVERYONE, including those who one might think, is the least deserving. Finally, we discuss the unique challenges of forming communities of care in a profession where you have an opponent. As always, we close out with our self-care goals for the coming week!

The transcription for this episode is available here