April Reign discusses navigating how inclusive to be with #OscarsSoWhite in a way that allows her to preserve herself and feels fair. She also shared how she creates digital boundaries and relies on her community online to help provide support. She also shares how she separates her personal life from her online life and ensures the privacy of her family as well as keeps herself safe. Also, how she is intentional about how and what she shares and how we might do the same. She also shares how she thinks about being responsible with a large platform. Next, we discuss how media representation is important to preserve avenues for self-care. We also discuss the complexities of representations including why it matters to see people who look like you in media as well as why demographic similarities are not enough when people's values don't align with what we believe and hold dear. Finally, we discuss how you can practice self-care without a lot of privilege and why representations of self-care in media are important. We also discuss why it's detrimental to judge how people practice self-care and what they choose to focus on.

The transcription for this episode can be found here