Kerri Kelly, the founder of CtznWell, shares how her journey into self-care was a radical shift in her life, but still imperfect because of her perfectionist tendencies. She shares how she defines the wellness industry and how it exploits people. She says well-being is really the opposite because it's rooted in interdependence and is a systemic approach. Next, we discuss how one can have boundaries in a community approach to self-care. In particular, we explore how self-worth is necessary to believe you are worthy of the care that boundaries provide. She shares how she believes her perfectionism is rooted in systems of oppression that exist in our society. Then we move into how she discovered that well-being for people with privilege is about community care. Whereas, for people who have less privilege, choosing self-care is radical. We then discuss how leaving people behind is leaving people behind and how sometimes that means letting go of winning or getting credit. Finally, we discuss how to redistribute power and privilege so people have access to the resources they need for self-care!

The transcription for this episode can be found here.