How will technologies like video consultations, artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) change the ways healthcare is delivered in the future? This episode features a conversation between Dr Andrew McElhinney, a GP and member of SNUG, with Dr Keith Grimes, who is also a GP and is currently the Clinical Innovation Director for Babylon Health (

Keith discusses how after training in Scotland and working with electronic clinical communications implementation (ECCI) in the early 2000s, he later became involved with Babylon Health and is overseeing the safety aspects of their AI and patient triage development. Will we continue to need doctors in the future if technology keeps developing? Listen and see if you can decide.

There is also a description of how VR may be useful in some clinical settings, for pain relief and possibly in the future diagnosis of dementia. "If we have a technology that works very well and that patients control, it's surely important that we look into it more and find a way of delivering it..."

Search for VR doctors on Facebook or visit for more on clincial uses for VR. You can tweet Keith using @keithgrimes or visit his website

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