The re-procurement, renewal and modernisation of existing GP clinical systems in Scotland to the next generation of centrally hosted systems is called GP IT re-provisioning. The three suppliers who are on the Framework Contract Agreement are Vision, EMIS and Microtest, and they are currently developing their systems so they can be tested and validated against the Scottish specification and requirements.

What are the implications for Scottish GP practices? Dr Neil Kelly, co-chair of the Scottish National Users’ group (SNUG) speaks to Robert Hutton, who works for National Services Scotland as implementation manager for the GP IT re-provisioning project about current progress. Robert describes what practices will have to think about before they form into cohorts, which will be required before a new system can be chosen within a health board by mini-competition. Neil also speaks to Brian Ponton, a practice manager in North Surgery, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, about what he understands about, and is expecting from the GP IT re-provisioning process.

SNUG members can get more information and see videos from our members' day about the latest re-provisioning progress at the SNUG website

You can also find more information at the following links (please note - only available via NHS Net):

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