"On the outside, everything looked great, job, car, relationship, pets, lots of friends, a business. Alcoholism was a subtle foe in my life that ate at me in snack-size bites. My life didn't go up in flames by any means but one day I woke up and realized there was nothing left for my alcoholism to eat- I was spiritually and emotionally bankrupt, and in some ways, that was worse than losing all the things I had on the outside. I was depleted and completely disconnected from the source. The relationships I had were many but most of them had no substance. I was deeply self-absorbed and so good at convincing myself I was okay that I no longer trusted the eyes looking at me in the mirror. I found my home group (Harmony Group in Ocean Beach) soon after June 13, 2021, when I hit my bottom, and I've been a regular attendee ever since. I have service commitments and meet with a sponsor weekly to work the steps. I'm still new on this journey but the change in me is evident. Before I got sober my business was struggling, I was in a job I hated, and my relationship was hanging by a thread. In a few days, I will celebrate 10 months of sobriety and I owe everything I am becoming to Alcoholics Anonymous."


View YouTube Video Here  https://youtu.be/Isjee2crL9A


Kacey Mull's Links

Website: https://www.yourspiritrising.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourspirityogi/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaceybradley1231


Scott H Silverman's Happy Hour (Podcast and Personal)

Cell Number 619-993-2738

Linktree:  https://pos.li/2jp89q 

Email, Scott  [email protected]