Jay Wylie, Veteran Coordinator/Operations Manager at Confidential Recovery, San Diego, is a Southern California native who served as a Naval Officer for 22 years. However, a serious drinking problem derailed that career and returned him to civilian life. Facing the same dark crossroad that all substance abusers face, Jay chose recovery and is now 9 years sober, is very active in the 12-Step community and is completing his certification as a Substance Use Disorder Counselor. He currently resides in San Diego with his wife and 2 children.


View YouTube Video Here  https://youtu.be/Vu66R6mwG9s


Jay Wylie's Links

Website  https://www.confidentialrecovery.com/?fbclid=IwAR3acJOT_ixqi3XFW69L9BRuONj645uql7lkB7uw1TiUHLsw1ukOjCfEQ8g

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaywylie/


Scott H Silverman's Happy Hour (Podcast and Personal)

Cell Number 619-993-2738

Linktree:  https://pos.li/2jp89q 

Email, Scott  [email protected]