Employer brand, recruitment, and retention can often feel difficult to navigate. Arlington Community Schools’ leaders give a framework for not only recruiting employees, but retaining them through culture, climate, and care—all while building a unique employer brand.

Arlington Community Schools’ Superintendent Jeff Mayo, Chief of Human Resources Dr. Allison Clark, and Director of Communications & Planning Tyler Hill reference their experiences in HR, communications, and journalism to dive into employer brand, recruitment, and retention for schools.

They’ve found solutions to solving recruitment and retention through a strong online presence. Their careers page and Instagram have made their district attractive to potential employees, highlighting their community, location, student and employee involvement, and school leadership.

Join this conversation about how employer brand doesn’t just start with the people coming in, it’s the continuous conversations with both the students and people who are there to support them. Superintendents and school leaders should utilize marketing and creative tools, like storytelling, to differentiate their districts from others.

Follow Arlington Community Schools on Instagram @arlington_schools and view their Career page here.

For more K-12 recruitment and retention resources visit: https://www.schoolceo.com/recruitment-retention/

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