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School Of Attraction Podcast

198 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago - ★★★★ - 10 ratings

A place for men to learn about everything from approaching and attracting beautiful women, to men's personal development, the politics of sex and much much more. There's no topic Damien won't discuss as we dive down the rabbit hole of learned seduction and men's health.

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How To Stop Neediness With Women

May 14, 2020 00:00 - 12 minutes - 8.77 MB

2 powerful strategies to help you stop being needy around women.   Women consistently rate neediness as being one of the biggest turn-offs - and yet so many guys find it hard to reduce the amount of needy behaviour that finds its way into their interactions.  Imagine if you could stop feeling so 'thirsty' for women and instead started focussing on what you really wanted from a woman and being willing to walk away.  It's a myth that women are the gatekeepers of sex - in fact you should be ...

What If Self-Confidence Isn't A Real Thing?

May 10, 2020 14:00 - 8 minutes - 6.06 MB

What if self-confidence doesn't really exist?  What if people who are trying to learn to be more confident are going about it all wrong?  Almost all of us want to know how to be more confident, and in this video, I want to show you how the key to becoming more confident might be to STOP trying to act more confident, and instead focus on being whatever you are when you let go of your insecurities. 

Empowered Vulnerability Vs Emotional Weakness

May 06, 2020 14:00 - 12 minutes - 8.95 MB

We've all heard that women are turned off by weak men - And that the best way to keep a woman attracted is not to show any weakness at all, to remain stoic and alpha.  But most men feel a lot of conflict about this solution (rightfully so).  After all, one of the reasons to have a long term partner is for emotional support and intimacy.  So what's a better solution? How can you share your vulnerabilities and weaknesses with women - and indulge your emotionally insecure moments without losi...

http://The Cheerleader Effect - Its A Trap!

May 04, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.32 MB

Do you find yourself fixating on being able to attract those women who seem to be the hottest in any room? The ones who work for hours to look as good as they do? The ones who work hard to ensure they have every man's eyes on them?  Getting fixated on these women is actually a dangerous trap that many men fall into - and they get fixated on the wrong women for the wrong reasons, and often this can lead to a huge amount of dating and relationship pain. Learn how to avoid falling into this d...

What Do Women Want In A Man? It May Surprise You...

April 30, 2020 00:00 - 15 minutes - 10.6 MB

What do women want in a man? Do they want the bad boy? Do they want the rock star? Do they want the strong and silent type?  No matter where you look online, trying to work out what kind of man turns women on is complicated, and you're likely to get mixed messages, and that's frustrating.  As it turns out there are many different kinds of men that women like, many stereotypes of guy that girls get excited about. Because not all women just like one kind of guy. 

Why Do Women Play Games With Men? - 2 Key Reasons

April 27, 2020 00:00 - 19 minutes - 13.1 MB

When women play games with and try to manipulate you,  it's frustrating, and angering - and very often it makes us feel mad at the woman, and sometimes women in general.  Last week I went on a few dates with a woman who started to play games with me, and I felt like it was a fantastic learning opportunity for both myself and my audience.  When you can understand the deeper reasons why women play games with men, then you can often find yourself becoming less frustrated because you can reall...

Your Attraction Blind Spots - Heuristics in Dating

April 23, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 8.13 MB

A lot of our dating frustrations have their roots in our blindspots.  Our blindspots are the results of the rules of thumb we have about women, about yourselves, about sex, and about attraction - And if these rules that we hold for ourselves are mal-adaptive, then it can prove to be very difficult to attract women.  I want to go over where these rules of thumb come from, what some of the most common rules of thumb are, and also how to begin to let go of our subconscious rules we have about...

Stop Your Tinder Match Rate From Dropping

April 20, 2020 00:00 - 8 minutes - 5.9 MB

Sick and tired of your tinder match rate constantly dropping, and it eventually seems like no women in your area are going to be interested in you ever again? Working on my own Tinder, I found a really fantastic strategy for both halting the Tinder ranking decay, and for increasing the variety of women that end up matching with you.  Sometimes focussing on a tighter niche of women can prove to be the better way to get women more interested in you.  This strategy also works on other dating...

How To Maintain Casual Sex Relationships

April 16, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 8.07 MB

Establishing and Maintaining Casual Sex Relationships can be tricky at the best of times. Today I'll be bringing Lloyd from TheSingleGuy channel to discuss some critical insights on the big mistakes guys make when it comes to keeping casual relationships healthy.  If you've ever had a woman fall for you and you only wanted to keep things casual, or if you've had women in the past get angry or jealous at you even though you never lied to them, then this is the video for you. 

My Open Relationship Journey - Emotional Zeroing Out

April 13, 2020 00:00 - 12 minutes - 8.55 MB

Open relationships can be emotionally complicated at the best of times, and I've learned the critical importance of a technique called emotional zeroing out which has really helped keep my partner and I happy even when things get complicated.  A few nights ago at a swingers party, I felt myself getting triggered by a few things that were going on. Rather than get mad at my partner and lash out at her, I took some space to emotionally zero out, and really get to the core of what I was feelin...

Are Weekend Pickup Bootcamps A Ripoff?

April 09, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 7.61 MB

Are you thinking about doing a pickup Bootcamp over a weekend?  Are you getting really excited by all the hype and positive reviews you're seeing on the company's website?  Today I want to talk about why most men should be very wary of doing a weekend pickup Bootcamp - and why I rarely ever run them myself.  And under what circumstances I DO run them. For guys who want to learn to be more successful with women, or learn to be pick up artists (PUA) there are usually quite a few dating coach...

Why Would Women Want To Date You? Critical Mindset Shift!

April 06, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.54 MB

When you meet a woman, why should you expect her to want to go on a date with you?  This is a confronting question that many men fail to ask themselves.  Today I'm going to be discussing the dating mindset that guys need to have before trying to learn to attract women. Because sometimes the best strategy is to work on yourself as a man first before trying to pick up girls.  This is the dating advice that more men need to be hearing because there can be a lot of failures that men experienc...

Should You Lower Your Standards With Women?

April 02, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 8.13 MB

If you're struggling to get the women you ideally want, and your feeling lonely, should you lower your standards with women to get some attention?  The whole notion of lowering standards to attract women is based on the social pressure and judgement men put on each other to only date physically attractive women, even if you can't meet any and end up feeling frustrated.  In fact, when you do lower your standards, there are many very important skills you'll learn along the way that will quic...

Are you REALLY Introverted? Or Are You A Shy Extrovert?

March 30, 2020 00:00 - 9 minutes - 6.63 MB

Did you know that quite a few people who think of themselves as being introverts aren't really introverts at all?  There's a lot of confusion about what being an introvert or being an extrovert is really all about - and sometimes that can play a big role in defining how we see ourselves and our social capabilities.  From its early beginnings with Carl Jung, to its present-day place in modern personality profiling systems, Introversion has become an extremely popular term in pop culture and...

Why Hypergamy Is A Useless (And Outdated) Mindset

March 26, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 7.93 MB

Is Hypergamy really something men need to conern themselves with? Is there solid science behind the term? If you aren't wealthy or good looking, are you doomed to be alone and unloved for the rest of your life? There's a trend in our current society to make men believe that women are only interested in men who are good looking, tall, and wealthy - and even though the science clearly shows this isn't the case, the mindset persists.  I want to reach out in this video today and help men to s...

My Proven Strategy For Solo Approaching Women At Night

March 23, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.22 MB

Did you know that with the right strategies in place, solo approaching women can be just as much fun as going out with a bunch of wingmen?  For most guys, the idea of going out to meet women all alone is completely alien, but I'm going to show you a strategy that has proven to get me MORE success than going out with friends, and frequently includes women trying to set me up with their friends as well!  It has worked for me over the last 13 years, and still works an absolute treat today.

Tinder Is Online Advertising - Here's The Truth About Online Advertising....

March 19, 2020 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.16 MB

Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and all other online dating platforms are all just different kinds of online advertising mediums.  Online advertising has its own success philosophy, and if you want to get lots of dates in your online dating profiles, then you should adopt the same kinds of mindsets as you would if you were advertising on Google Adwords or Facebook.  Online dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have a lot of competition between men, all trying to market themselves to the available women...

My Personal Battle With Anxiety And Depression

March 16, 2020 00:00 - 19 minutes - 13.6 MB

I Want to share my life-long battle with anxiety and depression with my viewers - Too many men and women struggle with anxiety disorders on a daily basis, and it's easy to feel all alone.  Anxiety can strike any one of us at any time, and it's important that more people talk openly about their experiences no matter how unflattering they may be.  I myself felt a lot of shame about the anxiety that I suffered with, and it left me feeling even more isolated and alone than I already was, which...

The 6 Core Traits Women Look For In Men - Which Do You Have?

March 12, 2020 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10.1 MB

What do women REALLY want in a man? What traits do you need to have to attract a woman in your life?    That seems to be a debate that has been raging amongst guys for a long time, but there really isn't a debate - the answers have been well understood by sociologists and psychologists for quite some time.  Today I'll be sharing the 6 most attractive features that men look for in women - These are the traits that turn women on the most. 

4 Tricks To Master Speed Dating

March 09, 2020 00:00 - 14 minutes - 9.86 MB

I'm going to give you four strategies you should be using every time you attend a speed dating event to start filling up your match cards with women's numbers.  Speed dating has been around for decades, and I've had a lot of viewers message me asking if I could make a video about speed dating.  The great news is that it's actually not that hard to get really incredible results from your speed dating sessions if you know what to do to get women to want to tick YES to you on their ranking ca...

How To Be Successful - The SOA Formula

March 05, 2020 00:00 - 21 minutes - 14.5 MB

The secret success formula that allows anyone to become successful at anything in a surprisingly short amount of time.  Learning how to become successful with women, or in business can often prove very hard work, and leave many people feeling like they're in a rut that they don't know how to get out of.  For many of us, success can feel completely unobtainable, and we don't know how to get there.  Today I'm going to share with you the COMPLETE SOA formula for success, including all the el...

NoFap - Amazing - But Also Potentially Dangerous

March 02, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.02 MB

Did you know that going NoFap can have potentially dangerous side-effects?  It's really important to understand the underlying reasons why you masturbate frequently so that you can learn to best manage your symptoms when you go NoFap.  Going NoFap can actually cause men to take on other forms of addictions as a way of compensating for struggling to manage one's own stresses and frustrations in life.  So today is a bit of a guide as to how you should get started with NoFap while being mind...

Why Playing Hard To Get Is A Terrible Dating Mindset

February 27, 2020 00:00 - 9 minutes - 6.4 MB

Is playing hard to get really the best dating strategy for men? Should we pretend to be less available, take longer to reply to texts, act mildly disinterested to make women like us?  I believe this is a terrible dating strategy that will ruin many more chances of success than it will help you to be more successful with women.  In fact, if you want to get more women to chase you and be attracted to you, you're going to need to learn to BECOME harder to get, rather than spend time trying to...

The Online Dating Problem (2019)

February 24, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.45 MB

Is online dating rigged? Are apps like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, purposely screwing with you to make you pay for matches?  Today I'm going to explore what's happening below the hood for online dating apps and websites, so you can better understand why things are so frustrating.  But don't be too alarmed, there is a silver lining. As it turns out, just because it's hard to get matches and right swipes from cute girls online - There is actually a way to get much better results than you're u...

Toxic Femininity - Yes It's Real!

February 20, 2020 00:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

Toxic femininity is the evil twin sister of toxic masculinity that many women pretend doesn't really exist.  In this video, I take the time to explore the world of toxic femininity, first outlining some of the more dangerous lessons our society teaches to young women, then to look at how we should handle cultural baggage that men and women bring to their dating lives.  It can be hard to know how to find a good quality partner in a world that seems to be so full of anti-male propaganda, but...

Don't Lose Faith In Tinder And Online Dating

February 17, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 6.94 MB

Did you know that your Tinder profile could be right on the verge of getting a tonne of matches?  Tinder and other online dating apps can be very frustrating, but when you realise that they are actually really similar to other kinds of online advertising, and you start treating your Tinder profile like an online ad, all of a sudden you can use the same principals to radically change your profile.  The trick with Tinder and online dating apps is that sometimes small changes can have MASSIVE...

5 Worst Flirting Mistakes Men Need To Change

February 11, 2020 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

What are the worst flirting habits that cause men to get rejected? How many are you guilty of?  In this video, I'm going to look at 5 bad dating habits that I consistently see are causing men to get rejected by women. Whether it's because they're boring the women to death, or because they're making them feel nervous or uncomfortable.  If you want better results in your dating life, then these are the changes you'll have to make.  Be sure to check out number 5, because many guys don't real...

WTF Is a "Tinder Maybe" And Why Should You Embrace It?

February 04, 2020 00:00 - 9 minutes - 6.62 MB

Imagine if you could get women to start chasing you on Tinder rather than you having to put in all the work? Most men don't realise how differently women use tinder compared to how we use it - Once you understand the completely different mindest women have when swiping on guys, then you can better understand the frustrating things that women sometimes do.  But More importantly, you can start to use the "Tinder Maybe" strategy yourself, to massively boost how attractive women find you, and ...

How To Avoid The Friend Zone - Rather Than Escape It

January 28, 2020 00:00 - 7 minutes - 5.43 MB

Find out how to avoid falling into the friend zone ever again.  Getting into the friend zone sucks,  there's a girl you like, and you've been hanging out with her for months now, and you finally find the courage to tell her how you feel, and she says, I really like you "LET'S JUST BE FRIENDS".  But when you have a crush on a girl, it's really important not to wait too long to let her know how you feel, or falling into the friendzone will just become the inevitable and there won't' be anyth...

5 Easiest Ways For Introverts To Meet Women

January 21, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.4 MB

Where can introverts easily meet women? So you're an introverted or shy guy - and you want to meet women, but you're really not feeling like going to bars and clubs to approach random girls, or approaching random girls on the street? Fortunately, there are lots of alternatives for men to meet women that won't require any cold-approach at all.  Introverted dating can best be enjoyed by becoming part of a small social group that engages in hobbies/passions/sports together because it removes...

Why Did She Leave You? Value Exchange Theory Of Mate Selection

January 14, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes - 7.69 MB

Why did your ex leave you? How can you be more attractive to a woman? What do women want in a man? Are women just hypergamous? Why do relationships end?  Today I'm going to explore the Value Exchange Theory of Mate Selection, which goes a long way to explaining why some couples thrive while others fall apart.  It will also help men to better understand not just their past failed relationships, but also how to build themselves up into the kind of men that women are going to value more highl...

How To Approach Girls - Without Being Creepy

January 07, 2020 00:00 - 14 minutes - 9.75 MB

Today I want to tell you how to successfully approach girls - but most importantly I want to tell you how to do it without being creepy, scary, or intimidating.  Unfortunately, the internet is full of guys approaching women in ways that are hyper-aggressive, sleazy, or just plain creepy, and man men are left feeling like this is the only way to approach a cute girl and have any kind of success. So if you're holding back on approaching women because you don't want to be THAT GUY that makes ...

How Introverts Should Flirt - The Introvert's Super Power

December 17, 2019 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

Did you know that Introverts can flirt with and attract women just as effectively as extroverts can?   Unfortunately, most dating advice out there is designed for extroverted guys, so sometimes it never feels like it's going to work for you.  Today I'm going to show you how some of the introvert's superpowers, these are the strengths inherent to introverts that allow them to attract cute girls without having to pretend to be someone their not.  This is the dating advice introverts need to...

One Night Stands - Why They're Probably Not Your Best Strategy

December 10, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.53 MB

Did you know that trying to sexually escalate early with a woman in a bid to get a one night stand or casual sex relationship is probably the wrong strategy for you right now?  Most guys get focused on their sexual escalation skills rather than the rest of their attraction skills, and as a result, they miss out on a lot of interactions that may have led to sex eventually because they pushed too hard when they weren't ready for it yet.  Today I'm going to look WHY you may well be better of ...

Attraction Is Not Negotiable - Or Is It.. Why Am I A Dating Coach?

December 03, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.47 MB

Attraction is not a choice! This is a phrase you've probably heard around the place -  Frequently on my Youtube comments, I'll have men decrying dating coaching as a scam activity because you can't negotiate with attraction.  So is this dating mindset patently wrong? Is that what I believe? Is that what I tell myself to sleep well at night as a dating coach for over a decade?  Oddly enough, I think there's a lot of truth to the basic notion - But today I want to talk about this concept and...

Do Women Go For Bad Boys? Yes, No, It's Complicated..

November 26, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.25 MB

Why do women always seem to go for bad boys?  Is this actually true? or is it just something people say without much proof?  Well it's certainly true for many women - but like many things related to the psychology of sexual attraction, the truth is more complex and varied than the stereotypes imply In this video, I'm going to compare the stereotype of men liking trashy dumb women to the stereotype of women liking bad boys, and demonstrate why it's actually a sign of low self-esteem in bot...

No More Tinder Matches? The Tinder Saturation Problem...

November 19, 2019 00:00 - 10 minutes - 6.96 MB

Trying to get matches on Tinder can sure be frustrating, but rarely is it more frustrating when your matches suddenly drop to almost 0, and you have no idea why it happened.  As it turns out, there is a very real tinder saturation problem - this is an issue that will affect all online dating apps, and could well be happening to you. So what can you do to fix the problem? If you've suddenly noticed your tinder matches crash?

Women Want Empowered Men - So How do You Get There?

November 11, 2019 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10 MB

How can a man become more empowered?  Many people confuse having power with being an empowered human being, and yet the two often don't occur at the same time.  Women are turned on by empowered men, it's one of the top 5 traits women want to find in a man, but so often we walk around feeling dis-empowered because we focus so strongly on the things we don't have any control over. 

Why The Science Of Attraction Is Complicated

November 07, 2019 00:00 - 20 minutes - 13.8 MB

ith so many supposed studies out there about the science of attraction, many of which contradict each other, how do we find out which scientific dating research we can trust, and which we should ignore?  Human sexuality is incredibly complex and diverse, and as it turns out humans are very prone to misinterpreting all kinds of data, but most significantly we misinterpret statistical data.  Unfortunately, we are prone to a host of psychological biases which color how we view the dating worl...

1 Simple Dating Trick Changes Everything!

November 04, 2019 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.2 MB

Are you getting frustrated with going on dates with women and they never seem to want to catch up a second time, and you're going crazy trying to work out why?  Well thanks to some fantastic research from the only Psychologist to win a Nobel Prize - Daniel Kahneman, I'm going to show you a simple trick you need to be using to dramatically change how she feels about you after a first date. When you apply the Peak End rule to your date, you'll end up with far more second dates because women ...

How To Get A Perfect Girlfriend - It's NOT What You Think!

October 31, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.24 MB

What's the secret to getting a perfect girlfriend? Are you struggling to find girls that you think are worth dating? Does it seem like the world is full of bad eggs? Have your past relationships taught you that women aren't all that they seem when the relationship starts?   Perhaps you are just on the hunt for a great partner and came across this video.  Today I want to talk to you about why most men have the completely wrong approach to finding an amazing partner, and this approach usual...

How To STOP Being a Nice Guy - Without Being An A-Hole

October 28, 2019 00:00 - 13 minutes - 9.08 MB

How can you STOP being a nice guy?  Have you ever got the impression that women walk all over you because you're too nice? Do you constantly get thrown into the friend zone? Do you feel like even your mates are taking advantage of you? Does your long term partner lose sexual interest in you really quickly?  Odds are, you could be suffering from nice guy syndrome, and Today I'm going to show give you a deep look into what lies at the core of your condition, and most importantly how to stop ...

7 Dating Psychology Books You Must Read

October 24, 2019 00:00 - 10 minutes - 6.93 MB

In this video, I'm going to share with you 7 dating psychology books that weren't written by pick up artists that every man needs to read if he wants to become more successful with women.  This list of books will help you develop a keen understanding of human psychology which you can learn to apply to attract more attractive women - The best part is that these books are written by real experts and not just guys who think they have the social skills required to get women. 

Tinder VS Cold Approach - How Approaching Women Change My Life

October 21, 2019 00:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Which is better?  Tinder and all it's online dating cousins? Or putting in the time to learn to cold approach women?  Well as it turns out, learning to cold approach women during the day or night is about so much more than just having a life full of beautiful women.  It's about embarking on a journey of self-improvement.  So much of what you discover when you're learning to cold approach women in bars/clubs and on the street, are skills that you'll use in almost all aspects of your life, ...

Stop Picking Up Women - Start Having Fun With Them Instead

October 17, 2019 00:00 - 14 minutes - 9.84 MB

Trying to go out regularly picking up women in bars and clubs can be mentally draining - While you try to learn all these social skills, you are constantly facing a barrage of rejection, and you can quickly find yourself worn out and The truth is that what many men forget while trying to learn to attract women, the most important thing they should be doing is having fun. If you're not having fun with women, then they're not going to want to go on a date with you.  I'm going to tell you my ...

How Women Rate Attractiveness Differently To Men

October 17, 2019 00:00 - 8 minutes - 6.15 MB

Did you know that woman have a completely different way of rating a guy's attractiveness to the way men rate women?  This difference is cause for a lot of confusion for guys wanting to learn how to attract women, and make a really good first impression. Once you understand how women go about assessing a man's attractiveness, then you can learn to make changes to the way women first perceive you and suddenly start being a whole lot more attractive to women. 

Develop This One Trait - And Women Will Gravitate To You

October 14, 2019 00:00 - 10 minutes - 7.29 MB

Did you know that more than having money, and more than being attractive, there's one trait that you absolutely MUST have to attract women?  Did you know that even if you're a good looking guy with a decent job, that without this trait then women aren't going to want to date you?  What is this trait? And how does it help men attract women?  The trait is empowerment, and after giving dating advice to men for over a decade, it's one of the single sexiest qualities a man can have. The moment...

Everything You Know About Female Sexual Selection Is Wrong

October 10, 2019 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

What do women want?  What kind of men do women date?  What kind of men do women sleep with?  Are women supposed to be monogamous?  Are women genetically meant to seek out men for safety?  Many questions like this about female sexual selection are based on stories that we hear growing up, and then stories we hear online and from our friends.  Very often, these stories are completely wrong - and lead us to try approaching women in ways that hurt our chances of success rather than help.  ...

The Tinder Arms Race - Why You Don't Get Matches

October 07, 2019 00:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

When Tinder launched in 2012, it was super-easy to get matches and dates. You simply got a small batch of decent photos, threw them into your Tinder profile, and started matching with women in your area.  But in 2019, that has all changed - The sheer volume of Tinder users has created an arms-race of competition among men who have to find better and better profile shots for their online dating profiles in order to get women to pay them any attention. 

10 Psychological Tricks To Get A Girl To Like You

October 03, 2019 00:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

Today I'm going to share with you 10 scientifically proven ways to get a girl to like you using the power of human psychology.  Be careful with this advice because they are subconsciously and subliminally powerful and need to be used responsibly.  1. Smell amazing 2. Use Smiling As A Reward 3. Tell Her A Secret About Yourself 4. Make Strong Eye Contact 5. Make Your Shoulder : Waist Ratio As Dramatic As Possible 6. Lower Your Voice 7. Pitch Your Questions Downwards 8. Tease Her Plent...