In episode 1, get to know me, who I am and how Same Boat Huddle was born. I share my story of starting a career in school counseling, choosing to leave my career to start my own business whilst becoming a mother which ultimately lead me into burnout and regular anxiety attacks. Through this journey, I found spirituality, personal development and an understanding of how to manage my time and energy so that I can "do it all" and actually feel good.

Same Boat Huddle was originally created as an online space for women to have a place to turn to, to not feel alone. To have a space that felt validating and comforting and to realize that we all go through the same struggles. And while we all go through the same struggles, it's also a space to learn and thrive so we don't have to live in these struggles.

This week's challenge: Go out there and connect with someone today. Share your story, encourage each other to take time for themselves, tell another mama she's doing a great job; just get out there!

Join Erin in her free Facebook Community, Same Boat Huddle, over at

Get in touch with Erin at [email protected]. She loves to hear your thoughts, what and you'd love to hear on the podcast.

Check out Erin's work and life at

Follow Erin on Instagram @photogerinj and Facebook at