Lately I've taken a lot of notice to how adults have been interacting with one another. I don't know if it's because I'm in a time of raising my children and it's more apparent to me or if there really is a change in how we are choosing to act. I see a lot of selfishness, pettiness, simply being mean, a lack of manners in all areas and an overall lack of living by golden rules.

For may parents 27th wedding anniversary, I decided to make a "top 10" list how my parents raised my brothers and me and giving us the foundation of good character, good family values and a strong marriage.

Hang with me as I list these top 10 things. I'd love to know, do you also feel like we are losing these golden rules in our society? While I know I am trying my hardest to instill these same values while raising my own children, I wonder if I'm not trying hard enough? Are any of us? Is this what is happening with our society? All food for thought.

My challenge for you this week is to go out there and live by some golden rules. I strongly believe it makes a huge difference in how we perceive our world and how the world functions. We are in a sad place, as a society, and we also have all of the power to change it. If nothing changes, nothing changes.

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