Episode 60. Where do you start when you feel like all the parts of your life are out of alignment? The short answer is YOU. YOU are the foundation in your life and then all of the areas can then be tackled after you get you right. And the most amazing part of it, is that our life isn’t compartmentalized. Every area affects the other; so the great news is that if you are getting yourself aligned, many other areas of your life will follow. What I recommend to do to start with is: 

Take care of your basic needs: eat, sleep, drink waterFind a mindfulness practice aka meditationLearn to constantly check in with your energy and what you need to focus on nextSet quarterly goals to begin to take action on the different areas of your lifeRemember… you can have it all, just not all at once. 

Life is going to always give you another “messy middle” and it’s your decision if you hide from it and wait for it to pass or choose to move THROUGH it and learn from what life is giving you. 

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