Episode 59. As I sit in the discomfort of feeling unwell for an extended period of time, I’m faced with questioning if my body is doing what it’s supposed to be doing, or is it betraying me? I’ve been in situations before through injuries and anxiety where I have felt completely betrayed by my body. In my healing, I learned that our bodies are our intuition, they are our soul and it’s our job to take care of them. If we ignore what they’re saying, put them off, and simply not listen, they need to then speak louder. THIS is when we feel betrayed. 

What if you practiced mindfulness and body awareness so it didn’t get to this point? What if doing this would help you understand exactly what was happening. Recognizing that everything we feel is energy moving through us and also recognizing that sometimes it’s not our energy to heal. 

I discuss my experience with this and the different ways that I have learned to be in tune and listen. This way, my body and I develop a trusting relationship.

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