Previous Episode: Sagittarius October 2018

Stoner Sagittarius don’t be alarmed if you feel a surge of newfound energy! New planetary allies shine down on you this November to give you an extra boost. With this newfound cosmic support, multi tasking should be a breeze. So strike that poised archer pose from the tree-tops with a pipe blazing in your hand. … Continue reading Sagittarius November 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius don’t be alarmed if you feel a surge of newfound energy! New planetary allies shine down on you this November to give you an extra boost. With this newfound cosmic support, multi tasking should be a breeze. So strike that poised archer pose from the tree-tops with a pipe blazing in your hand. Visualize your goals and burn a path to glory. The rewards won’t come easy, but with keen actions, a sharp mind, and the proper smoke signals, they will be yours.

Stoner Sagittarius, the cosmic ranger, despite being naturally charismatic tends to be a solitary sort. As you well know, they prefer to execute their missions alone. Nevertheless, to further your efforts this November it would be wise to utilize your fellow cosmic astronauts. You will be wise to make use of the profound thoughts your smoke circle puffs up. Everything you wish to accomplish can be done with a team effort!

Be forewarned stoner Sagittarius: This surge of energy you feel doesn’t change who you are. Just like a knight charging the front line with an arrow nocked, an archer in the trees with a sword isn’t very effective either, now is it? Stay in your lane. Use your own tools and skills to aid forward movement to achieve the desired results. The swashbuckling sword approach has never been your style anyway.

Your life could be likened to a huge frosty bud right about now, but the threat of couch lock is very real! Grind hard stoner Sagittarius, and you will reap the sweet smoky zest of success. Best results for November can only be attained by constant motion and continued efforts. Combat the urge to lounge about in a snuggie with your favored Sativa strain!

Be on guard within your personal sphere! Just as the key pieces of a puzzle help you appreciate the bigger picture and where to attack next, important decisions based on arbitrary circumstances may require you to look further into your situation and position. Use your third eye to see a more holistic picture and find the proper response. A strong and decisive Sagittarius will walk out of the smoke unscathed. Your positive and strong emotional outlook should keep you sailing smooth.