Previous Episode: Sagittarius September 2018

Stoner Sagittarius to make October a fun and fruitful month, the recipe is simple: Keep it moving and keep it positive. The energy we send out into the universe ultimately returns to its source. Stay in Karma’s good graces by doing your part to pay forward any and all good vibes that come your way. … Continue reading Sagittarius October 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius to make October a fun and fruitful month, the recipe is simple: Keep it moving and keep it positive. The energy we send out into the universe ultimately returns to its source. Stay in Karma’s good graces by doing your part to pay forward any and all good vibes that come your way.

Although the trees are shedding their leaves and growth is slowing down outside, it doesn’t mean your personal growth should be any less than it was during the summer months. You can find inspiration in the most unexpected places stoner Sagittarius. Whether you get that sudden spark while lighting one up with the crew, or while looking inward during a solo meditative smoke session, be mindful of when creativity is at its peak. If you harness this energy and focus it towards self improvement, you will surprise even yourself as to how much progress you can make towards your highest goals.

At work, the sacred herb and creative problem solving will go hand in hand. This doesn’t mean you should be burning all your buds while on the clock. Rather any time spent with the sacred herb will carry over the benefits to getting the job done in new and innovative ways. Use this forward momentum to advance your current skills or learn new ones. Getting cross trained in other aspects in the workplace, especially those not immediately related to your specific job description, will give you a competitive advantage and better opportunity for advancement.

While you should prepare yourself to grind hard when it comes to official work business, you can expect homelife to be a peaceful counterbalance. Kick off the shoes and pack a fresh bowl stoner Sagittarius, you’ve earned it! As long as you don’t try to make waves, the month should be mostly smooth sailing. If any conflicts do arise, you can resolve them quickly with a little blunt talking; that is, pass the peace pipe and share your thoughts. The problem will seem much smaller from a higher vantage point.

Don’t limit your creative endeavors and learning to the workplace. Spend time enjoying your hobbies, or finding new ones. Whether your favorite activity is cooking, exercising, hiking, or simply smoking some kind bud with those in your cannabis-crew, make the most of this prosperous time by doing what you love.