Previous Episode: Sagittarius November 2018
Next Episode: Sagittarius January 2019

The stoner Sagittarius should be relieved to hear that the end of the year should be low stress. Trouble should stay at bay, that is, as long as you don’t go looking for it. So rather than charging out with a stick to poke trouble, let slow and low be the tempo of December. “Only … Continue reading Sagittarius December 2018 →

The stoner Sagittarius should be relieved to hear that the end of the year should be low stress. Trouble should stay at bay, that is, as long as you don’t go looking for it. So rather than charging out with a stick to poke trouble, let slow and low be the tempo of December. “Only fools rush in”, as is said, and to rush would be to pass on opportunities you’ll never knew you had.

Dust off your communication toolkit, stoner Sagittarius, and possibly toke a moment to compose yourself. Communication skills will be necessary. Talk it out, don’t fight it out. No need to go to war over something that can be easily resolved over polite discourse. Perhaps practice on the willing victims, err, participants of your smoke circle to strengthen such skills.

Year end rewards are financially likely this month, however, be advised stoner Sagittarius not to spend your way back to even. Instead consider how such rewards may lead to better beginnings. Such savings this month can lead to great adventures and better opportunities in future periods. Apply reasonable expectations financially instead of going with the money flow.

Fortunately for the stoner Sagittarius, no large scale obstacles are foreseen this month. Spark one up with meditative smoke sessions in mind to tackle the smaller issues in December. Also, recall that connecting with nature may help keep the calm prior to knocking out such smaller obstacles. Doing so will ensure they don’t snowball in the future.

This month is NOT the right time to close your eyes and manifest with magic if there’s something you desire, but rather a good time to make a plan of action on the personal front. Plotting out the steps required to attain your goal and taking action to meet that goal may bring positivity back into your personal endeavor. New perspective, new light, and a positive attitude are the secrets to a pleasant December. Yet, at the same time stoner Sagittarius, don’t forget that hard work, planning and guile will be the attributes you need to accomplish the result that you desire.