Previous Episode: Sagittarius January 2018
Next Episode: Sagittarius March 2018

Stoner Sagittarius the month of February will be full of bright opportunities. As with much of life, it’s what you make of these opportunities that will reveal how the story ends. Sometimes the opportunity passed leads to the best outcome. Something to think about with that 10mg edible gummi early in the month. Let’s think … Continue reading Sagittarius February 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius the month of February will be full of bright opportunities. As with much of life, it’s what you make of these opportunities that will reveal how the story ends. Sometimes the opportunity passed leads to the best outcome. Something to think about with that 10mg edible gummi early in the month.

Let’s think about February as the month of the the stoner Sag. There will be plenty of heavenly gifts afforded to you this month. But these gifts may be more about self than anything material. Once you contemplate and conceptualize the nature of opportunity with a medicated edible, you should switch meditative focal points to deep within yourself. The best opportunity available in February is the one you provide yourself stoner Sag. The current planetary alignment offers bountiful fortune in self improvement. Whether you deepen your knowledge of hemp as an industrial resource, or develop your rolling skills, the universe will be at your back with a warm breeze pushing you ahead in whatever endeavor you find most interesting. Yes yes stoner Sag, furthering your technical education in the workplace will be supported as well. But all work and no play will lead you down the same road day after day.

There is one more important theme for the month of February. Chill stoner Sagittarius, chill. Take a toke from the book of Indica, and make sure your month is low stress and evenly paced. A chill vibe will suit the single or committed stoner Sagittarius well. Attention should not focus on chasing or pleasing cannabis companions. Instead reach out to an old friend of family member you’ve been thinking about. Take the step of contact, it will reward your heart and soul.

The most special Valentine in February is you stoner Sag. Make sure your actions are relaxed and heartfelt.