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Stoner Sagittarius March may be a challenging month. Not all horoscopes can be cosmic blessings and auspicious prognostication. With that being said, not all is lost with a plan in place and a positive outlook. Always leave space for a stress relieving toke when you feel the pinch of pressure. Early in March the first … Continue reading Sagittarius March 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius March may be a challenging month. Not all horoscopes can be cosmic blessings and auspicious prognostication. With that being said, not all is lost with a plan in place and a positive outlook. Always leave space for a stress relieving toke when you feel the pinch of pressure.

Early in March the first full moon will bring a bitter cosmic wind that will sting the cheek of the stoner Sagittarius. This bitter breeze will be fleeting, but it will come without sight or warning. Pay close attention to your family and cannabis companions. Pack a bowl for two. A shared smoke session and some thoughtful advice may be all it takes to still the air. It will be best to avoid confrontation. Diffuse and deflect potential negativity in the workplace and within your smoke circle. A negative cloud can be dispersed with a sunny disposition.

The sacred herb is an awesome weapon against depression. CBD products have become plentiful. Arm yourself with CBD dominant cannabis strains for March meditative smoke sessions. The right green will help keep the blues away. Perhaps a CBD gummi would be the perfect supplement to your daily routine.

Double check your information stoner Sagittarius. Find multiple sources for your information. It will be important to avoid making decisions in March based on fake news. Business owners or people who fight for their own economic fate must take off the gloves and get into the fight. Strict attention and concentration must be paid to competition and controllable costs. To the terrestrial astronauts caught in the mechanistic economic grind, now is not the time to jump without looking first. A large leap on your own will come in due time. March is a time where methodical progress is the best course of action. Stay alert and put one foot in front of the other.