Previous Episode: Sagittarius December 2017

Stoner Sagittarius, as you welcome the New Year, it will be important that you do not forget to finish old tasks. With all the exciting potential a fresh start can bring, you don’t want to leave current projects unfinished. Especially undertakings into which you have invested a great deal of resources. After you finish any … Continue reading Sagittarius January 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius, as you welcome the New Year, it will be important that you do not forget to finish old tasks. With all the exciting potential a fresh start can bring, you don’t want to leave current projects unfinished. Especially undertakings into which you have invested a great deal of resources. After you finish any remaining tasks, it is advised you take a breather before moving towards future goals. While accomplishing projects may bring significant feelings of satisfaction at a job well done, it is necessary to take time to recharge your batteries and refocus on what will come next. In short, do not neglect your health. Whether it’s sharing a freshly ground bowl with your best bud before catching the latest blockbuster, or enjoying a few meditative puffs by yourself; be certain to carve out time for relaxing from your busy schedule.

Overall work life will not bring many surprises. By tying up remaining loose ends, you will create a clean and fresh space for any tasks that need to be tackled on the job. This means you will have a better, more organized platform to explore creative solutions to any projects on your 2018 agenda. While there is no expected chaos in the immediate future, any project will be more easily accomplished with multiple people addressing the issues. If you are fortunate enough to have relationships with your coworkers, January will be an ideal opportunity to pass around the peace pipe after work hours. Although the weather might be cold outside, you can create your own warm and welcoming environment indoors. By growing camaraderie outside of work, you will create lasting bonds which will provide a better support system when it is time to get back to the grind.

Remember, Stoner Sagittarius, you will not be able to help others unless you first focus on your own inner peace. This month, you will need to fight the urge to solve everyone else’s problems. While your heart is in the right place, the reality is you can’t fix it all. You will be most helpful, by simply being your kind and positive self. If you are able to find your own cosmic groove, you will provide all the support needed by those near and dear to you. All you have to do to be a good friend is be there with some kind bud and a smile.