Meet Nick Harley, VP of Growth at Raygun, a B2B SaaS company that offers a range of application monitoring products, used by thousands of software teams globally. With 10+ years of experience selling to technical audiences, Nick has a passion for growing businesses, focusing on early-stage, high-growth B2B tech during his career to date. He is involved in the Wellington startup community, helping cultivate the next generation of business leaders.

In this episode, you'll hear why and when to expand the ICP for your SaaS business, four types of events and when to execute each in your marketing pipeline, and the importance of attribution even with its challenges. You'll also hear about this year's social media changes in the B2B landscape and how that affects brands.

And finally, what we can all learn as marketers as people's perception of value change in 2020. Enjoy!


- 03:00 Application Monitoring Software that Provides Greater Speed and Accuracy

- 04:30 A Product So Successful That It Gets Rolled Out As a Company

- 05:30 Morphing From a Developer-Led Audience Into Decision-Makers

- 09:05 Doing Events That Fall Into Four Key Categories

- 15:00 Deciding Success Metrics Up Front Will Set Marketers Up For Success

- 16:10 Turning Offline Events Into Online Events

- 18:00 The Tricky Part In Success Metrics For Events

- 19:30 Every Marketer's Nemesis: Attribution

- 21:40 The Attribution Trap

- 22:30 The Three Stages Of Attribution

- 24:55 The Greatest Superpower For Anybody In Their Role

- 27:40 If You're Not Experimenting, You're Basically Losing

- 28:10 Harder and Harder To Break Through The Noise In Social Media 

- 32:40 The Challenge For Brands and How Perceptions of Value Changed 

- 40:15 Lightning Questions