You have always first and foremost had an income plan. When you set your alarm so that you get up to show up for work, put in your time and sweat equity to perform your tasks, and trade that time for money, that is your income plan. You plan to repeat that routine overtime to earn a living, manage your bills, and to support your ability to save for retirement. That is an income plan! The INCOME PLAN is what supports your lifestyle and your investment plan. The stability and predictability of the income you generate is what allows you to feel comfortable investing a portion of your money into accounts intended for years into the future during retirement. The income plan is what allows you to weather down market cycles without dramatic impacts to your lifestyle. The income plan is what provides you the means to have an investment plan at all. In both your working career and in retirement, you live on your income, not your assets, but the income plan is what you leave behind when you retire! You have to recreate it with assets! For more information contact Ron Courser, CFP® at (616) 301-2581 and visit the website at