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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

1,271 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 20 ratings

Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

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God's Freckles: Immanuel - Part 1 of 1

December 23, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The best gift? Giving up our status. The very first things Jesus gave away were His rights and privileges as God. We like our rank to be noticed. Let's get the title correct, please. We earned those letters behind our name, thank you very much. And, oh my, mind the pronouns! The Son of God took the opposite approach. He laid down the honor due Him, to serve us. Can we follow His lead? Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC...

God's Messengers: Angels - Part 2 of 2

December 22, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...." If we could view the human drama from heaven - that is, if we could see ourselves as angels see us - the whole play would seem very strange. It might look absurd, even unreal. Many of the actors would be unconvincing. There's no doubt that an angelic perspective would do us good. Today Jim concludes the Christmastime sermon we started yesterday on God's Messengers: Angels Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday thr...

God's Messengers: Angels - Part 1 of 2

December 21, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Do angels get tired of saying, "Fear not?" Angels are so awe-inspiring that, when they appear, humans sometimes worship them by mistake. That's bad. But it would be almost as bad to dismiss them as unimportant to God's plan. Angels are intelligent, moral creatures, like we are. We can learn from them - and maybe they can learn from us! Our Christmas-week thoughts continue with God's Messengers: Angels. Here's Pastor Jim. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 116...

God's Strategy: Substitution - Part 1 of 1

December 20, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The birth at Bethlehem was part of a divine strategy. And that plan is still unfolding! The best strategies are simple, but not obvious until all the pieces are in place. God's scheme is as straightforward as it could be: a trade - this One for that one, His life for your life. And it was not fully revealed until after the Resurrection. But would it be successful? Well, in one sense, that's up to each one of us. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cinci...

God's Passport Picture - Part 2 of 2

December 19, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free....

God's Passport Picture - Part 1 of 2

December 16, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free....

Mirror On The Wall, Who's Fairest Of All? - Part 2 of 2

December 15, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

To be great, think small! Yesterday Jim contradicted a lot of preachers who say that the Disciples shouldn't have been arguing over "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom?" The Twelve were ashamed to admit their ambition to the Lord. But Jesus didn't scold them for their question; He taught them how to achieve their objective. And we learn along with them that Kingdom greatness is about the small things - like children, and cups of cold water. Here's Jim with the conclusion of this message f...

Mirror On The Wall, Who's Fairest Of All? - Part 1 of 2

December 14, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

When Muhammad Ali said, "I am the greatest!" he probably wasn't claiming to be the servant of all. The road to greatness in boxing, or in business, isn't the same as the path to prominence in the Kingdom. On the other hand, they do have similarities. Discipline, for one. And we can't achieve either kind of greatness without aspiring to it. Our Mark: Gospel of Action series continues with an overheard conversation. Jim will begin reading in Mark 9, verse 33. Listen to Right Start Radio ...

Jesus' Final Exam - Part 2 of 2

December 13, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

There are no baby angels. Angels are not born; they don't have our physical nature. They don't procreate, and they don't marry. And that's not just a fine point of theology that Jesus taught - it gives us insight into our own future! In the resurrection we won't become angels... but we will be "like angels." Here's Jim with the second half of his message, Jesus' Final Exam. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Colu...

Jesus' Final Exam - Part 1 of 2

December 12, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"When did you stop beating your wife?" Loaded questions are fun - when you're not on the receiving end of one, say in a courtroom or during a debate. The questioner has tried to conceal his false assumptions. He's sure he's caught you in his ingenious trap; he's already smirking as the question leaves his lips. The Sadducees thought they were going to humiliate Christ. But they would come to regret it pretty quickly. Here's Pastor Jim to open a sermon called, Jesus' Final Exam. Listen to R...

Good Mothering - Part 2 of 2

December 09, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Jesus' neighbors in Nazareth knew Him in His human nature. But there was another nature in that boy. To the people who had watched Him grow up, it must have seemed like suddenly, "out of the blue" - and away from their sight - the Son of Mary had become someone else! He's a rabbi now? And a miracle-worker? Some say, a prophet? That skinny little kid we knew? Today we'll complete the sermon we started yesterday, called Good Mothering. Jim's reflecting on the opening verses of Mark, cha...

Good Mothering - Part 1 of 2

December 08, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"You're not all that and a bag of chips!" After enjoying some success in His ministry, Jesus returned home. And the reception in Nazareth was chilly. The general mood was, "Who does this guy think he is?" We know almost nothing about the Lord's boyhood years, but there's a clue here in Mark 6: When His neighbors saw Him grown up, they were not prepared to believe who He had become! Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91....

The Test Of Faith - Part 2 - Part 2 of 2

December 07, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Your salvation is impossible! It wasn't just the Rich Young Ruler who couldn't save himself, with all his assets and acumen. It is everyone; it is us. We think that if we push that camel hard enough, maybe put him on a diet, and grease him down, he's got to fit through the eye of that needle. Nope, Jesus said, it will never happen. "With men it is impossible, but...." Pastor Jim's here to conclude his message, The Test of Faith, Part 2 Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Fr...

The Test Of Faith - Part 2 - Part 1 of 2

December 06, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose." I opened with a quote from another Jim, the martyr Jim Elliot, to contrast the Christian view against the view of the Rich Young Ruler. Jesus gave him a business proposition, if you will; an offer that a man of commerce should have been able to appreciate. Let's check that story again, as we continue through the Gospel of Mark. Here's Pastor Jim. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WC...

The Test Of Faith - Part 1 - Part 2 of 2

December 05, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The Rich Young Ruler settled for the consolation prize! On Friday we followed the story as Mark told us about this man who wanted eternal life... and Jesus wanted to give him eternal life... but he was going to have to drop his idol right there on the road. When the man walked away, the Lord had some words of instruction for His disciples... and they had some questions for Him! Here's Jim in Mark, Chapter 10. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinna...

The Test Of Faith - Part 1 - Part 1 of 2

December 02, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

A gilded cage is still a cage. Today we'll meet a man trapped by his money - or rather, by his love for it. Everyone had applauded him when he attained success and wealth and power. No one told him that his golden idol was made of fool's gold. No one but Jesus. Today and Monday we'll look at Mark's account of the Lord's meeting with the Rich Young Ruler. It's a reminder to all of us who may be tempted to put something other than Christ on the throne of our lives. Listen to Right Start Rad...

Meaningful Relationships - Part 2 of 2

December 01, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We all want to *be* loved. How do we flip that around and become people who love? We'll find no help from the world if we want to learn compassion. The official story is that we're all just competitors in the great struggle for life. The ruthless rule; the chumps get run over. But deep down, we know that isn't true. We need someone like us - but not like us - to show us how it's done. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 9...

Meaningful Relationships - Part 1 of 2

November 30, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Can I call you "friend?" Yesterday, in our study in the Gospel of Mark, we saw the hostility of the Jewish leaders toward Jesus. Today we'll hear from one Scribe who's different. He's listening. His question about commandments will spark our discussion about relationships, and the very nature of God. We'll see that restored fellowship - between God and man, and among human beings - is the whole point of Jesus' mission. Here's Jim to open a sermon called, Meaningful Relationships. Listen t...

The Triumphal Entry - Part 2 of 2

November 29, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

A descendant of David... riding a colt into Jerusalem... crowds crying, "Hosanna!" This is the day everyone has been waiting for. Isn't it? The Triumphal Entry, as this event has been called, surely looked like the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth. Well, what happened? Mark the Evangelist has brought us through the gates of Jerusalem, and into the Temple. Here's Part 2 of Jim's sermon. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:3...

The Triumphal Entry - Part 1 of 2

November 28, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

December 7th, 1941; "a date which will live in infamy." September 11th, 2001; another. But there was a day much worse! The most infamous day in history happened about 2,000 years ago. I'm not talking about Good Friday. It was about a week earlier: the day that Israel rejected Jesus as King. The aftershocks of that evil day are still being felt, today. Here's Jim with another look into the Gospel of Mark. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, O...

The Transfiguration - Part 2 of 2

November 25, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Don't you hate when you wake up in the middle of a prayer meeting, and it seems like you've missed something? In the thin air on the mountain, in their just-awake state, Peter, James and John must have had a hard time figuring out what was going on. Jesus was there - like they'd never seen Him before - Moses and Elijah were just leaving. And they hadn't even missed the best part of the service! In our continuing study of the Gospel of Mark, we're ready for the final part of Jim's sermon, ...

The Transfiguration - Part 1 of 2

November 24, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The whole world saw Jesus bloody and dying; a few saw Him glorified! Before the crown of thorns, before the Cross, before darkness covered the land, there was the Transfiguration. Three select disciples had the privilege of seeing the Lord as He is - as He has been from all eternity. Why this revelation? And why only to these three men? Today our journey through Mark's Gospel takes us to a certain mountain. Here's Jim. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM...

The Turning Point - Part 2 of 2

November 23, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The Great Physician proposes a radical cure! God's diagnosis of the world's problem is sin, corruption, and depravity. The prescription is the death of the only pure man, His Son Jesus. But there is more, and we really won't like this part: There is a cross with our name on it! Christ must die for sin, and we must die to sin Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) a...

The Turning Point - Part 1 of 2

November 22, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The Messiah - is He to rule, or to die? The correct answer is: Yes! The Prophets had given Israel a paradox: A King anointed by God Himself, coming to reign in righteousness and glory... who is a humble Servant that would be rejected, and suffer brutal treatment, and die. "Cut off from the land of the living" was how Isaiah put it. As we move forward in the Gospel of Mark, we'll learn about Jesus' plan to fulfill all the prophecies. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday...

The Heart Of The Matter - Part 2 of 2

November 21, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Jesus often surprised people. But sometimes they surprised Him, as well! It was so clear to the Savior what our big problem is. It isn't that slice of bacon for breakfast, or failure to go through our religious rituals correctly. Our problem is inside, in the deepest part of us. Now, the Pharisees didn't get that, obviously. But the Disciples didn't see it yet, either. And that surprised Jesus. We're back in Mark chapter 7 for the conclusion of Jim's sermon, The Heart of the Matter. L...

The Heart Of The Matter - Part 1 of 2

November 18, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Cleanliness may be next to godliness ... but it isn't godliness. There are always folks who want to help God out by adding their own rules to His laws. In Jesus' day it was the Pharisees and their codes about washing. Hands, cookware, whatever ya got - let's run some water over it! But how much water does it take to cleanse a soul? And by instituting these regulations, didn't the Pharisees put themselves on a collision course with the ultimate Authority? Listen to Right Start Radio every...

What Is The Kingdom? - Part 2 of 2

November 17, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

How's your hearing? It's surprising how much Jesus talks about - not our ability to hear, but our willingness to hear. Are we open to His message? Or are we allowing it to be drowned out by the world's philosophies, and the incessant "alerts" of the nightly news? The Jewish leaders wouldn't listen, wouldn't consider the evidence that the Son of Man, the King of Kings, was right in front of them. How is your hearing? Here's Jim with the conclusion of his message, What is the Kingdom? Lis...

What Is The Kingdom? - Part 1 of 2

November 16, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

When the King says, "The Kingdom is near," you'd better listen! People were confused about the Kingdom of God in Jesus' day, and we're confused today. What kind of empire is it - physical, or spiritual? Where is it? When is it? And why does the Lord often speak of the "Son of Man" when He talks about the Kingdom? Here's Pastor Jim with a message called, What is the Kingdom? Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (C...

Getting To A Cure - Part 2 of 2

November 15, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Guess who's coming to dinner! We don't know who invited the Scribes and the Pharisees. There was Levi and his group: the tax collectors and sinners. There was Jesus with a large number of His followers. But who let in the holier-than-thou religious types? Wasn't anyone watching the door? This scandalous dinner party became a teachable moment for everyone who has ever read Mark's Gospel. We continue now in Chapter 2, with the second half of Pastor Jim's sermon, Getting to a Cure. Listen to...

Getting To A Cure - Part 1 of 2

November 14, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Is there a doctor in the house? Jesus encountered two kinds of people: those who were sick, and those who were sick! The physically sick knew they were unwell, and sought the help of the Healer. But the spiritually sick - well, that's another story. You've joined us early in our study called Mark: Gospel of Action. Today we'll hear about the Lord's ministry to a leper, to a paralytic, and then to some who had terminal cancer of the soul - like us. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday...

Demons Are Real! - Part 2 of 2

November 11, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Christ hasn't just defeated Satan, He's delegated His victory to us! We know that Jesus "went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." Well, God is with us, His people, as well! It's part of our inheritance as believers to cast out demons. Mark, in his Gospel, captures several episodes where the Lord either evicted or taught about fallen angels. Jim says, we need not fear them, but we shouldn't be foolish about them, either Listen to Right ...

Demons Are Real! - Part 1 of 2

November 10, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We've outgrown a belief in Satan and demons because of "Science." Or something. It's true that all of our enlightenment and sophistication and progressive theories haven't had the effect we thought they would have. Yet. We'll keep trying them. And meanwhile the devil is still here, barely even bothering to conceal himself anymore. We're studying the Gospel of Mark. Demons Are Real is the name of Jim's sermon. And today we have a guest to read the passage we'll be studying. Listen to R...

Fishers Of Men - Part 2 of 2

November 09, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Peter's first steps with Jesus were not baby steps. Normally when we begin school, the teacher starts us off very slowly. We need to have a firm grasp of the fundamentals before we try to grapple with more difficult material. But Rabbi Jesus didn't take that approach! From the first day of class His disciples must have been stunned by what was happening right in front of them: authoritative teaching, miraculous healing, casting out demons! We're reading Mark 1:21 and forward, studying alo...

Fishers Of Men - Part 1 of 2

November 08, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Our brand-new spiritual calling may feel familiar. We've taken our first few steps into John Mark's narrative of Jesus. Mark began his report by telling us about John the Baptist. Now he'll take us to the Sea of Galilee, where Simon and Andrew are plying their trade. When Christ calls the brothers to "Follow Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men," they have at least some idea of what they're getting into. They'll still be using their old skills and strategies - but to a new purp...

Being A Witness - Part 2 of 2

November 07, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

If we're going to do as John the Baptist did, that will simplify my wardrobe. When we put this message on "pause" on Friday, Jim had explained a few ways that we could imitate John the Baptist. Not in dress or in diet, but in the way he pointed to Jesus. John was a great witness because he fully believed that the King was coming - he built his life around that central fact. And he brought a message of hope! The sermon is called Being a Witness, and here's Jim with the conclusion. Listen t...

Being A Witness - Part 1 of 2

November 04, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

If we want to understand the ministry of Jesus, we have to start with John. John the Baptist was a pivotal figure, not only at the start of Jesus' ministry, but in the middle and toward the end, as well. All four Gospel writers emphasize John's importance to Messiah's mission. So as we begin our study of the Gospel of Mark, who's there to meet us but this wild prophet? He may look strange, but John has a lot to teach us about how to be faithful and successful witnesses. Listen to Right St...

Mark: A Man Changed - Part 2 of 2

November 03, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

This episode is only for people who have failed. If you've never blown it, never let someone down, never bugged out when things got tough, then you won't be able to relate to Mark. There aren't many details recorded about him, but there are some. We learned yesterday that he was nurtured in a godly home, and that he was mentored by the very best: Paul and Barnabas. What happened after his failure turned him completely around. Let's listen as Jim brings us Part 2 of, Mark: A Man Changed. ...

Mark: A Man Changed - Part 1 of 2

November 02, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

What's the most important book in the New Testament? Oh, we might have a spirited but friendly discussion about the most important New Testament book! Could we amend the question to, "What's the foundational book of the New Testament?" Now we've shortened the list. Today Pastor Jim will make a case for putting the Gospel of Mark at the top of that list. Well, who was John Mark? Let's get to know him a bit before we sit down to read his Gospel. He never spoke about himself, but we do kno...

Miracle In The Marketplace - Part 2 of 2

November 01, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"Get a job," God said. Well, my paraphrase might be a little broad, but it was the Creator who gave Adam productive work - as a gift, as a part of his purpose. Work isn't a curse. Now, there is a balance as to how much energy we devote to our employment, and Jim will mention that today. We're looking at Paul's final words to some brothers and sisters in Greece - the very end of 2 Thessalonians 3. Here's the close of Pastor Jim's sermon, Miracle in the Marketplace. Listen to Right Start Ra...

Miracle In The Marketplace - Part 1 of 2

October 31, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Paul throws the "free riders" off the bus. Wherever you find a group of people enjoying the benefits of being in the group, there'll be some who want to partake of the benefits, without doing their part to produce them. This is called the "free rider problem." And it's wrecked many well-intended human endeavors. The early church could have been overwhelmed [and sunk] by free riders, if not for a simple rule. We'll be in 2 Thessalonians 3 for a sermon Jim calls, Miracle in the Marketplace...

Called To Obtain Glory - Part 2 of 2

October 28, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

What's the purpose of all God's work on our behalf? In 2 Thessalonians 2 Paul describes those who believe the lie, and are lost... and those who believe the truth, and are saved and set apart. But there's one more stage in that trio: "justified, sanctified, glorified." Jim will talk about glorification - and about assurance, today. Here's Part 2 of, Called to Obtain Glory. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Colum...

Called To Obtain Glory - Part 1 of 2

October 27, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The bad news is worse than we've dared to contemplate; and the good news is unimaginably good! In 2 Thessalonians Paul makes one of the most dramatic pivots in the Bible; from talking about deluded people in the last days who will be abandoned and condemned... to reassuring the Christians that "...God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth." Here's Pastor Jim to open a sermon entitled, Called to Obtain Glory. Listen to Ri...

The Fruit Of Unrestrained Selfishness - Part 2 of 2

October 26, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The plot to take over the world is so secret, even those involved don't know about it. Some people fret about a shadowy cabal of über-rich people who "really" run the world. Well, conspiracy theorists are right about the "shadowy" part, anyway. It's not a secret society, but a secret anti-society that the Bible exposes. It's called the mystery of lawlessness, the hidden power of iniquity, the private wickedness. Let's continue in 2 Thessalonians 2 with Jim. Listen to Right Start Radio eve...

The Fruit Of Unrestrained Selfishness - Part 1 of 2

October 25, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

It seems that lawlessness is running wild on the earth. But it isn't - not yet! You mean things could get crazier, more depraved, more upside-down than this? Yes, the Bible tells us, they could, and they will. But the final uprising against the holy will not happen until God allows it to happen. And "we ain't seen nothin' yet." The Thessalonians were confused about this as the result of some false teaching. We'll hear Paul's correction, after Jim opens with prayer. Listen to Right Sta...

The Unthinkable Alternative - Part 1 of 1

October 24, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Persecution is horrible - for the persecutor! We start the week in a new letter from Paul. We'll be examining 2 Thessalonians, the first chapter. It's obvious that the Christians in that place had been attacked for their faith. But, far from doing them any harm in the ultimate sense, Satan's bullying had caused them to flourish. The more pressure his children put on them, the better for them, and the worse for the persecutors. Here's Pastor Jim with a sermon called, The Unthinkable Alte...

A Winsome Personal Lifestyle - Part 2 of 2

October 21, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Is your life an irresistible argument for Jesus? Well, could it be? As Paul concludes 1 Thessalonians, he gives some quick and memorable instructions. He calls them "exhortations." Some deal with our relationships in the church, some are more general. And some will be easier to follow than others. But if we were to embrace them all, we would be winsome people indeed! Today we'll hear the second-and-final part of Jim's sermon, A Winsome Personal Lifestyle. We're in 1 Thessalonians 5. ...

A Winsome Personal Lifestyle - Part 1 of 2

October 20, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." In that proverb we see an upright person planting life wherever he goes, and a wise person saving lives for eternity. That kind of wisdom seems to be rare these days. We have evangelism programs. But do we have the wisdom that wins some? Win-some-ness is what we need. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880...

Insider Information - Part 2 of 2

October 19, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

You can be a sleepy Christian... but there are consequences! 1 Thessalonians 5 is the chapter we've been reading. Paul writes that wrath is scheduled; we just don't know when it's scheduled. He admonishes us to stay awake, to stay sober, to armor-up! Well, what's the alternative? Will we lose our reservation in heaven if we live carelessly? To answer that question we'll have to expand our circle of concern beyond ourselves. Here's Jim with more, Insider Information. Listen to Right Start ...

Insider Information - Part 1 of 2

October 18, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"Iceberg, right ahead!" Down below, the passengers on the RMS Titanic were drinking and dancing... or dozing. They were unaware of the danger until it was too late. The world will be like that in the last days: partying away its final moments before a sudden reckoning with God. As we continue in 1 Thessalonians, we'll read Paul's exhortation to live with our eyes open, expecting the Lord to re-visit this planet. Here's Jim with what he calls, Insider Information. Listen to Right Start Rad...

Hope Anchored Beyond - Part 2 of 2

October 17, 2022 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We all know what it's like to have no hope. We were once "separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." But that changed when we surrendered our lives to Jesus. There are people who are still "without hope" - the hope that they will ever see their loved ones beyond the grave, for starters. Let's conclude the message we began on Friday. Jim calls it, Hope Anchored Beyond. Listen to ...


Children of God
2 Episodes
Decline and Fall
2 Episodes