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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

1,271 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 20 ratings

Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

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Peter's Sermon - Part 2 of 3

July 08, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Even the Disciples couldn't connect the prophetic dots - until the Holy Spirit came. Many of the revelations of Scripture were opaque to Israel, not to mention outsiders. As J.B. Phillips translates, " ...the unspiritual man simply cannot accept the matters which the Spirit deals with - they just don’t make sense to him, for, after all, you must be spiritual to see spiritual things." A lame man had walked. Now Peter was aiming for another miracle: opened eyes. Jim's at Acts 3:18. Listen...

Peter's Sermon - Part 1 of 3

July 07, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

There's a lot to know about ignorance. There are different kinds of ignorance, as well as different levels. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were unaware that they were naked. We can't fault them for their innocence. Another type of ignorance is our natural state of existence in this universe; we just don't know much about it, or even about ourselves. Then there's willful ignorance - the shutting of the eyes, the stopping of the ears to the truth. But there's a kind of darkness beyond that. ...

Giving, Growing, Healing - Part 3 of 3

July 06, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

You can fulfill the will of God, or you can fulfill the will of God! After the miraculous healing of the lame man at the Temple, Peter offered his second sermon. He surely wasn't intending to give a theological treatise on election and free will - that's a bonus for us. His purpose was to warn and invite people who may have heard Jesus teach; people who may have shouted, "Crucify Him!" Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC ...

Giving, Growing, Healing - Part 2 of 3

July 05, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

"Don't look at me!" When something extraordinary happens - bad, or good - we start looking around for the cause. Who was closest when it happened? When a 40-year-old man, lame since birth began to walk around, all eyes turned to Simon. Yes, Peter had commanded the man to "rise and walk;" yes, he had lifted him to his feet, but as for the rest... well, that was Someone else. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Col...

Giving, Growing, Healing - Part 1 of 3

July 04, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

God gives better than we ask. Thanks for taking time on Independence Day to focus with us on a different political structure: the Kingdom of God. The lame beggar in Acts, chapter 3 was asking for money, hoping for money, expecting money. But he would get a far greater gift, "exceeding abundantly above all he could ask or think." True, he might have dared to ask for such a miracle from Jesus, but Jesus was dead. Wasn't He? Here's Jim to open his sermon, Giving, Growing, Healing. Listen to...

Pentecost Did Not Establish The Kingdom - Part 3 of 3

July 01, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

After belief and baptism...comes brotherhood! We've been studying Acts, chapter 2, and the miracle of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Then there was another miracle: 3,000 were born again. But that was only the beginning! In those new believers, God worked a sort of ongoing, living miracle: they were united. In later times, some people have tried to engineer this depth of fellowship... but the causes of their koinonia are right there in the text. Jim will help us discover them now. L...

Pentecost Did Not Establish The Kingdom - Part 2 of 3

June 30, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

When you catch fish, you take them out of the water. When you catch people... The Lord had said, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Now, Peter was about to make a catch of 3,000 people - not taken out of the water, but put in the water! Two Christian baptisms - water and Spirit - are on display in Acts 2. And both are necessary. You may remember that our investigation into the Kingdom of God was prompted by a book by Dr. Alva J. McClain. Listen to Right Start Radio every M...

Pentecost Did Not Establish The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

June 29, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

"Sit back and put your feet up!" When our work is done it's nice to grab a drink and relax in our favorite chair. It's a picture of rest, accomplishment, and satisfaction. That's an image that David gave us of the Messiah. He's seated in the place of honor, "taking it easy," as we might say, and now the Father has something to do: He's going to provide a footrest. Jim will get us started with prayer, then we'll hear Part 1 of his sermon, Pentecost Did Not Establish the Kingdom. Listen to...

God's Passion For The World - Part 3 of 3

June 28, 2022 04:00

We don't talk enough about the Exaltation. The Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension - you probably know exactly what I mean by those words, and you can give me details of the events. But what happens at Pentecost is the result of the Exaltation of Christ. If the Holy Spirit has come, as the Lord said He would, it's because He has been "poured out" by Jesus, from the place of honor at "the right hand of the Father." We're ready for Part 3 of Jim's sermon, God's Passion for the Worl...

God's Passion For The World - Part 2 of 3

June 27, 2022 04:00

Past, present, and future: it's all in the Book. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit had given the Apostles not only power, and words to speak; He had given them a platform. The audience of devout Jews wanted to know what this was all about. And Peter showed them that the answer had been right in front of them. All their lives this crowd had heard Joel's prophecies and sung David's psalms. Now they were going to learn how everything fit together. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, God's Passion for the ...

God's Passion For The World - Part 1 of 3

June 24, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

God wasn't improvising at Pentecost! The Composer has written a grand symphony, and it's being played, note for note. If the audience in Jerusalem had been able to read the score - that is, the Scriptures - they would have been anticipating the next, dramatic movement. We'll see just how essential Pentecost was to the divine program in a new sermon called, God's Passion for the World. We'll be in Acts 2; Peter is quoting from Joel 2; and here's Jim to open with prayer. Listen to Right St...

Pentecost 2 - Part 2 of 2

June 23, 2022 04:00

The meaning of Pentecost is Jesus! When the Spirit fell, the believers spoke in languages they'd never learned. That's wild and fascinating, but it's not the purpose of the event. If we remember that the Spirit doesn't glorify Himself, and, "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy," we'll be on the right track. Yesterday Jim began to point out 3 things that we should note in Acts, chapter 2: The first is that it was the sound of a mighty, rushing wind that drew the crowd. Listen ...

Pentecost 2 - Part 1 of 2

June 22, 2022 04:00

The Spirit didn't come to the Inner Court; He came to the Upper Room. In our quest to know "What Happened to the Kingdom?" we've come to Acts 2, where we'll find a key piece of evidence. Today Jim will talk about something that often gets overlooked about Pentecost: the location. It turns out that Jesus wasn't overstating it when He said, "Your house is left to you desolate." After the Ascension, God continued to bypass the center of Jewish worship and identity. Listen to Right Start Radi...

Pentecost - Part 3 of 3

June 21, 2022 04:00

Reviews of Peter's oration were...mixed. The former fisherman with the rural accent gives two speeches in the early chapters of Acts. And his words polarize his audiences: On the one hand, thousands are being saved; on the other, opposition is hardening quickly. Peter may still be his old, impetuous self, but after the arrival of the Spirit, he is no longer timid. Today Pastor Jim concludes his sermon called, Pentecost. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM...

Pentecost - Part 2 of 3

June 20, 2022 04:00

What's the penalty for deicide? Most people agree that there should be grave punishment for murdering a human being. But what if God could die, and what if someone killed Him? Could such a person be forgiven that most heinous of crimes? Yes, says, Peter...but you'd better accept that offer quickly. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also...

Pentecost - Part 1 of 3

June 17, 2022 04:00

"This is that!" Peter said. But what is "that?" Pentecost is like the "big bang" of the Church, if you'll pardon the analogy. It's a flash of light so brilliant that we can be blinded to things before it and around it. When Peter explained, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel," he was helping us see the context, and he was setting expectations for what could happen next. Jim will pray, to open this sermon. It continues our investigation into What Happened to the Kingdom? ...

I'm Here, I'm With You - Part 3 of 3

June 16, 2022 04:00

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Does that sound scary? No, Jesus' promise of a Comforter sounds... comforting. It's true that the Spirit made a dramatic entrance. But He hasn't come to frighten us, nor to divide us. We've been asking What Happened to the Kingdom? And our search has brought us to the Book of Acts. Here's Jim with the conclusion of, I'm Here, I'm With You. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:3...

I'I Here, I''mI'm Here, I'm With You - Part 2 of 3m With You - Part 3 of 3

June 16, 2022 04:00

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." Does that sound scary? No, Jesus' promise of a Comforter sounds... comforting. It's true that the Spirit made a dramatic entrance. But He hasn't come to frighten us, nor to divide us. We've been asking What Happened to the Kingdom? And our search has brought us to the Book of Acts. Here's Jim with the conclusion of, I'm Here, I'm With You. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:3...

I'm Here, I'm With You - Part 2 of 3

June 15, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Are we there yet? Kids are easily bored of traveling, because they have a child's concept of time and distance. Our impatience with God in setting up His Kingdom is like that. If the Disciples had gotten their wish, with Jesus ruling in Jerusalem in AD 30, it would have been a very small kingdom. Yesterday Jim wanted us to note 3 things about the post-resurrection appearances of Christ. First, they were odd and sporadic. Second, they were highly localized.... Listen to Right Start Radio e...

I'I Here, I''mI'm Here, I'm With You - Part 2 of 3m With You - Part 3 of 3m With You - Part 3 of 3

June 15, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Are we there yet? Kids are easily bored of traveling, because they have a child's concept of time and distance. Our impatience with God in setting up His Kingdom is like that. If the Disciples had gotten their wish, with Jesus ruling in Jerusalem in AD 30, it would have been a very small kingdom. Yesterday Jim wanted us to note 3 things about the post-resurrection appearances of Christ. First, they were odd and sporadic. Second, they were highly localized.... Listen to Right Start Radio e...

I'm Here, I'm With You - Part 1 of 3

June 14, 2022 04:00

After His resurrection, Jesus would sometimes "pop in" on His disciples - literally. The Lord's followers had to find a whole new way to relate to Him. They were used to Him being present 24 hours a day. Now, He would just "appear" when they didn't expect it; and often they didn't recognize Him when He did show up. And then He would disappear. These 40 days were a weird time to be an Apostle. Let's think about it with Jim, as we continue to seek answers to the question, What Happened to t...

The Person And Work Of Jesus - Part 2 of 2

June 13, 2022 04:00

When Jesus appeared to the Apostles during the 40 days after His resurrection, what did they talk about? The Kingdom! Luke records that, by a "series of infallible proofs" - or "unquestionable demonstrations" - Jesus showed Himself alive to His followers, "speaking of things concerning the Kingdom of God." Well, those are the things we want to know, too! If you were with us on Friday, you remember that Jim pointed us to the opening verses of the Book of Acts. We'll review some of that tod...

The Person And Work Of Jesus - Part 1 of 2

June 10, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Couldn't we say that Jesus is "working from home?" In our study of the Kingdom we've seen the Jews' rejection of the King, and how that decision postponed the physical rule of Messiah on earth. And we believe that Christ is coming back to reign. But in the meantime... are we just waiting? Dr. Luke says "No." Though the Lord left the planet, He is not idle. And the book of Acts reveals some of His ongoing work. Here's Jim to open a sermon on, The Person and Work of Jesus. Listen to Right...

His Hour Had Come - Part 3 of 3

June 09, 2022 04:00

"He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel,” God had said to the serpent. The promise about the Seed of the Woman, given way back in the Garden, was playing out that dark afternoon on Calvary. And no one but Jesus knew it. The demons didn't know it; the religious elite didn't know it; the Disciples didn't know it. A Roman soldier and a dying robber came to suspect something. Satan's kingdom was falling with every drop of blood. Here's Part 3 of, His Hour Had Come. Listen to Ri...

His Hour Had Come - Part 2 of 3

June 08, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Dead men rule no kingdoms! The Cross was intended to terminate Jesus' life, and with it all aspirations to the throne of Israel, not to mention the Throne of the world. Those were the intentions of His enemies. But the Father had a different purpose for the Crucifixion. Death, yes...but also victory! This didn't look like a divine strategy launched in the Garden of Eden. But this was the Plan. Today Jim brings us Part 2 of, His Hour Had Come. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday throug...

His Hour Had Come - Part 1 of 3

June 07, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

The Cross isn't just about you! We see Jesus' sacrifice through the lens of our own abject need. Even our phrase "personal Savior" can sound a little possessive. "If you had been the only one," we say, "Christ would have died just for you." Well, maybe. But there was more at stake on that hill outside Jerusalem. This was a battle for the Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880...

God Lives In The Believer - Part 3 of 3

June 06, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

This may be the most difficult saying of Jesus to believe. Isn't this a very challenging truth? "It is to your advantage that I go away." Oh, no Lord; we want to see You, to walk with You, to hear Your voice! Beneficial for us that You leave? And yet... do we cherish the Spirit of Jesus in us as we would His physical presence? On Friday we were looking at what's called the Upper Room Discourse. Let's restart at John chapter 13. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on W...

God Lives In The Believer - Part 2 of 3

June 03, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

"Let not your heart be troubled" is something you say to people with troubled hearts. Nothing was ever going to be the same after this night - this Passover meal with Jesus in the Upper Room. He wasn't saying goodbye forever, but this three-and-a-half-year journey was coming to an abrupt end. It's a personal conversation between the Master and His disciples, but it resonates fully with us. We can easily put ourselves in this room. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, God Lives in the Believer. Lis...

God Lives In The Believer - Part 1 of 3

June 02, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Sometimes a fig tree is just a fig tree. We'll get two subjects for the price of one, today! The title of the sermon is, God Lives in the Believer, and Jim will take us to the Upper Room, to consider the promises that Jesus made to us there. But first, as a follow-up to our previous lesson from Matthew 24: What about the notion that the "fig tree" represents Israel? Is the Jewish homecoming a marker for Christ's return? Both topics will help us answer the question, What Happened to the Kin...

What Are The Signs? - Part 3 of 3

June 01, 2022 04:00

The Sheep and the Goats may not be who you think! Jesus' famous prophecy in Matthew 25 is part of a trio of stories about His return. In context it doesn't seem to have much to do with helping a stranger fix a flat tire, or volunteering at the food pantry - as worthy as those actions are. It's a judgment of "nations;" or that could be translated, "Gentiles." We'll open the final piece of Jim's sermon, What Are the Signs? with some comments on Matthew 24. Listen to Right Start Radio every ...

What Are The Signs? - Part 2 of 3

May 31, 2022 04:00

Bullseye! Jesus has given us something to train our sights on: Smack-dab in the middle of the 7-years before His return is an unmistakable event. The Antichrist will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. On that day hell will confirm heaven's timetable. We're in Luke 21 for Part 2 of, What Are the Signs? Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (C...

What Are The Signs? - Part 1 of 3

May 30, 2022 04:00 - 22.9 MB

Some Disciples asked Jesus about signs of what's coming. He gave them more than that! The Lord had just prophesied the destruction of the Temple, implying the downfall of Jerusalem. So they had asked Him about those things. But His answer seems much deeper. They wanted to know about signs; the Lord started by giving them some things that aren't signs: False messiahs, persecution of Christians, wars, uprisings. Our "Kingdom" series continues with Jim's sermon, What Are the Signs? Listen to ...

Who Is In The Kingdom? - Part 3 of 3

May 27, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

A pronouncement of judgment - and a promise. After reading Jesus' scathing rebuke of the religious elite in Matthew 21 through 25, we might expect the "woes" and the prophecy of destruction. What's surprising is that there's a promise behind the punishment: The Messiah will return, and next time, His own will receive Him. In these records we get a glimpse of the anger, and the compassion, of God. Here's Jim with the final installment of, Who is In the Kingdom? Listen to Right Start Radio ...

Who Is In The Kingdom? - Part 2 of 3

May 26, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

"The kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it." Whoa. The sentence that Jesus pronounced was terrifying. But who did it condemn? Was God finally, and with ample justification, nullifying His covenant with Israel? This has been a subject of confusion for some - and some of that confusion seems to be intentional. Let's listen closely to this altercation between Christ and His opponents, in Part 2 of, Who is In the Kingdom? Listen to Righ...

Who Is In The Kingdom? - Part 1 of 3

May 25, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Does your Jesus have claws? The Jesus found in the public spaces of Jerusalem in the week before His death was not the greeting-card version. He was shredding Israel's arrogant leaders - utterly humiliating them in full view of the people they wanted to impress. Christ saw right through them, and He revealed the ugliness He saw. In this series we've been asking What Happened to the Kingdom, and to that discussion Jim will add a critically important question: Who is In the Kingdom? Listen...

Knowing About The Kingdom - Part 2 of 2

May 24, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

In the Kingdom, good works aren't the goal; they're a side effect. Man-made religions have at least one thing in common: They're all about getting you to behave better. Jesus, in contrast, offers us a new life. And that living seed will produce its own righteous fruit. Recently Jim touched on two agricultural parables in Matthew 13 - the "Parable of the Sower," and the "Wheat and the Tares." We dig deeper into that rich ground today in Part 2 of, Knowing About the Kingdom. Listen to Right...

Knowing About The Kingdom - Part 1 of 2

May 23, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

God's Kingdom, as it used to be. Our study of the Kingdom of Heaven needs a historical foundation. In the future, there's the Millennial Kingdom - we understand that. In the present... it's complicated. But we should be able to look to the past to see what God's rule looks like, and what happened. And "what happened" wasn't all Adam's fault - nor Eve's. That's what we'll look at, today. Pastor Jim's new sermon is called, Knowing About the Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday t...

The Constitution Of The Kingdom - Part 3 of 3

May 20, 2022 04:00

"You had to be there." There are some experiences that can't be understood from the outside. This is especially true of the Kingdom of God. First, a natural person can't understand spiritual things, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians. But there is a second reason, and that is the intention of the King. He refuses to open His secrets to those who only want to scoff. To wind up Jim's sermon The Constitution of the Kingdom we've left the Sermon on the Mount, but we're still in the Gospel of Matt...

The Constitution Of The Kingdom - Part 2 of 3

May 19, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Is Jesus even trying to be nice? We might call the ministry of Christ "disruptive" - in both the bad and good senses of that word: He was certainly shaking things up among the religious elite. And He introduced something better, something greater than the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees. It turns out that, when Truth and man-made Religion collide, there's an explosion! Here's Pastor Jim with the second installment of his message, The Constitution of the Kingdom. Listen to Right ...

The Constitution Of The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

May 18, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

If you want to know what the Kingdom of God looks like, read the Sermon on the Mount. Many people twist their theology into a pretzel by misapplying quotes from the Sermon on the Mount. Keep in mind that Jesus isn't erasing any divine commandments... nor is He adding any. He says that quite plainly. So if the Lord's discourse written down in Matthew 5, 6 and 7 isn't a new moral theory, what is it? In his new sermon Jim will call it,The Constitution of the Kingdom. Let's listen. Listen to ...

Son Of Man - Part 2 of 2

May 17, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

No hope, just change! There's a political leader coming who won't have any respect for customs, traditions, norms... or even rights. His master plan for improving the world will be to get rid of the Christians! Sounds familiar, doesn't it? You may know him as the Antichrist or the Beast, but in Daniel, chapter 7, he's identified as the "Little Horn." As our study of the Kingdom of God continues, we're about to look at the moment of greatest challenge to that Kingdom. Listen to Right Start...

Son Of Man - Part 1 of 2

May 16, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

"What's in a name?" Jesus has many names in the Bible; from "Cornerstone," to "King of Kings." But His favorite name for Himself seems to be, "The Son of Man." Heretics have tried to argue that by this name Christ was disavowing any claims to deity. To the contrary, this prophetic name "Son of Man" is loaded with significance, as His more knowledgeable critics understood. Jim takes us to the Book of Daniel as we continue to investigate What Happened to the Kingdom? Listen to Right Start Ra...

How John's Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 3 of 3

May 13, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

We walk by faith, not by sight - but - some were privileged to see! John the Baptist saw the Spirit of God descending on Jesus as a dove, and heard the voice of the Father. Herod put John to death. But God raised up more eyewitnesses. Three men would see Christ in His divine glory. Jim has been showing us How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom, and we're ready for the finale of that sermon. We're in Matthew, chapter 16. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on ...

s Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

May 12, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

The people wanted a king - but not this King! Israel was anticipating their Messiah. But this backwoods carpenter could not be the One they'd longed for. Oh, they would gladly accept healing from Jesus, and food from Jesus, but His teachings? His claims to deity? No way! Then the King did something unexpected, and unbelievably sad: He honored their wishes. Here's Part 2 of Jim's sermon, How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Frid...

How John's Life How JohnHow John''s Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3s Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

May 12, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

The people wanted a king - but not this King! Israel was anticipating their Messiah. But this backwoods carpenter could not be the One they'd longed for. Oh, they would gladly accept healing from Jesus, and food from Jesus, but His teachings? His claims to deity? No way! Then the King did something unexpected, and unbelievably sad: He honored their wishes. Here's Part 2 of Jim's sermon, How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Frid...

How John's Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 2 of 3

May 12, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

The people wanted a king - but not this King! Israel was anticipating their Messiah. But this backwoods carpenter could not be the One they'd longed for. Oh, they would gladly accept healing from Jesus, and food from Jesus, but His teachings? His claims to deity? No way! Then the King did something unexpected, and unbelievably sad: He honored their wishes. Here's Part 2 of Jim's sermon, How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Frid...

How John's Life How JohnHow John''s Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3s Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

May 11, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

What happens when the voice of the herald is silenced? The murder of John the Baptist didn't catch God by surprise. But it did mark an end of a certain phase of His grace to the Jewish people. Something happened in the ministry of Jesus - a switch was flipped, as we might say - at that tragic moment. As we continue to study What Happened to the Kingdom, we need to take a close look at this pivot-point. Today and tomorrow Jim will show us How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom. Li...

How John's Life And Death Influenced The Kingdom - Part 1 of 3

May 11, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

What happens when the voice of the herald is silenced? The murder of John the Baptist didn't catch God by surprise. But it did mark an end of a certain phase of His grace to the Jewish people. Something happened in the ministry of Jesus - a switch was flipped, as we might say - at that tragic moment. As we continue to study What Happened to the Kingdom, we need to take a close look at this pivot-point. Today and tomorrow Jim will show us How John's Life and Death Influenced the Kingdom. Li...

The Mediatorial Kingdom - Part 2 of 2

May 10, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

If the Persons of the Trinity are equal in power and status, how could Jesus say, "The Father is greater than I?" The question isn't mere theological trivia; it bears on human relationships - and on our understanding of the Kingdom of God. And that's why we're here, in this series. Pastor Jim will explain that there's a temporary "division of labor," if you will, in the Godhead. We'll start in Hebrews 2, verse 5 for the second half of the message, The Mediatorial Kingdom. Listen to Right ...

The Mediatorial Kingdom - Part 1 of 2

May 09, 2022 04:00 - 22.8 MB

When did you become a sinner? Did you know it was the same day that I became a sinner? It was a very long time ago; you surely don't remember it. We all became sinners the same day - the day that Adam sinned. He was our "federal head," as some have termed it, our representative, our agent. Well, there's our problem. We need a better agent! On the program today and tomorrow Jim will explain The Mediatorial Kingdom. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cinc...


Children of God
2 Episodes
Decline and Fall
2 Episodes