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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer

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Blackest Day In The History Of The World - Part 3 of 3

September 28, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

One beast would be bad enough! Recently we've read in Revelation 12 about the Woman Clothed with the Sun, her Child, and the Dragon; all simple symbols. Today as we turn to chapter 13 we'll see the Beast - another name for the Antichrist - and another beast! We're finding out in this series that the final book of the Bible isn't as baffling as it seems - if we understand the structure. Today Pastor Jim will wrap up his sermon entitled, The Blackest Day in the History of the World Listen to...

Blackest Day In The History Of The World - Part 2 of 3

September 27, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

It all begins with a baby! God's program to redeem mankind didn't start with an army (though there will be an army); it didn't commence with a program, or a fundraising campaign, or any of the things we might expect. It began with a baby. We're looking at the first two heavenly signs that John saw in the book of Revelation. Here's Jim with Part 2 of, The Blackest Day in the History of the World. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30...

Blackest Day In The History Of The World - Part 1 of 3

September 26, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

When you don't know where you are, look for a sign! A lot of us have gotten lost in the pages of Revelation, and our current series is designed to remedy that. Within the book there are some signposts, like the 21 sequential judgments. We'll have more about those, soon. There are some time markers, some identifiable people and groups - and there are some heavenly signs. They're illustrations of the story. That's what Jim will explain over the next few broadcasts. Now, he opens with prayer...

The Last Prophet Standing - Part 3 of 3

September 25, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The future headline could read: "Jews Sheltered; Christians Slaughtered." The Antichrist will detest both the Children of Israel and Christians - those who come to Christ after the Rapture. But in God's providence, those groups have different destinies. Last week we looked at the 7-year period of time that receives so much attention in the Book of Revelation. And specifically, we're trying to understand "who's who" in this part of the prophecy. Jim's here to conclude his talk, The Last Pr...

The Last Prophet Standing - Part 2 of 3

September 22, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

If it's miracles you want...! Paul said that "Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom." Well, immediately after the Rapture, two Jewish prophets will give the world signs! One of those miraculous works will be a repeat of Elijah's three-and-a-half-year drought. Jim is helping us discern "who is who" in the book of the Revelation. Here's Part 2 of his sermon, The Last Prophet Standing. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC ...

The Last Prophet Standing - Part 1 of 3

September 21, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We're learning to fish in the deep waters of Revelation! We've all heard that, "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Well, in our current series, Jim isn't spoon-feeding us the 'proper' understanding of John's Apocalypse; he's showing us how to read Revelation for ourselves - and understand it! In the message we'll begin today, he'll demonstrate another piece of fishing gear that we can use. The sermon is called, The La...

Kept From The Hour - Part 2 of 2

September 20, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"And thus we shall always be with the Lord." I quoted a fragment of one of the most precious promises we have, as believers. It's from 1 Thessalonians 4, a passage we'll visit today. There is hope for "the dead in Christ:" They will be resurrected, changed, and caught up. And their living brothers and sisters will be right behind them. And then what? How do events unfold for us after the Rapture? Here's the conclusion of Jim's sermon, Kept From the Hour. Listen to Right Start Radio every...

Kept From The Hour - Part 1 of 2

September 19, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Will the Church go through the Tribulation? You can find thorough defenses for Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Tribulation Rapture doctrines, and others. Today Jim will show us that one of these pulls the Book of Revelation into focus. The key is the Lord's promise: "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." But who was Jesus speaking to? Listen to Right Start Radio every Mon...

Breaking Down Revelation - Part 3 of 3

September 18, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

...but I digress. Digressions, tangents, asides: Yes, they can be distracting. But sometimes they help illuminate the main narrative. Last week Jim began noting the digressions in the Book of Revelation that throw many people off track. Today he'll point out some more. The Apostle John devotes a large portion of his book to these sidebars because they're important. But it's also very important that we distinguish the color commentary from the chronology of Revelation. Listen to Right Star...

Breaking Down Revelation - Part 2 of 3

September 15, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

How about a Bible Commentary written by the Author? There are "some things hard to understand" in the Scriptures, as Peter put it. - and as we would expect of a Book written by a Being infinitely more intelligent than we are. The entire Book of the Revelation is often neglected as being beyond our grasp. But within the book itself we find God's "marginal notes" to the core message. Jim is pointing out these "bracketed" passages. Here's more of his sermon, Breaking Down Revelation. Listen ...

Breaking Down Revelation - Part 1 of 3

September 14, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Would you like a chance to interview an angel? Yes, of course, we'd love to sit down with one of God's "ministering spirits" and just hear whatever he had to say. That would be quite a podcast, wouldn't it? Well, the Apostle John was granted more than one interview with an angel. And if we can avoid a common mistake when we read these dialogs in Revelation, we'll have a much easier time understanding what's happening, when. Here's Jim with Part 1 of his sermon, Breaking Down Revelation. L...

Revelation, It's All About Jesus - Part 2 of 2

September 13, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

You don't need an advanced degree to read a picture-book! John's Revelation wasn't given to theologians. It's a book for us lowly "servants." The learned priests and scribes knew Jesus only as defeated, hanging on a tree - accursed. Jesus as He is now - who rules in glory, the victorious King of Kings who is coming in the clouds - He is only revealed to "dummies" like you and me. And He gave us lots of big pictures. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (C...

Revelation, It's All About Jesus - Part 1 of 2

September 12, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

What's the most important book in the Bible? Since all of Scripture is divinely inspired, every book - every word - is important! But some parts of the Bible will be particularly relevant to us at different times. And we're certainly in "different times!" Those times are the End Times, and the book that speaks most directly to those of us living at the Close of the Age is The Revelation. Today Jim begins a new series that he hopes will make Revelation less confusing and more accessible to ...

The People Of God Are On Mission - Part 1 of 1

September 11, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Are you gambling your life for Jesus? Maybe you haven't thought of it this way, but everyone is betting his or her life on something. No one gets to sit out this hand; we're all staking our time and efforts on what we believe will be our "best bet." We can risk it on the passing pleasures of this life, or on the promises of God. There’s a man in the New Testament who made the better bet. He personifies the final point in Jim's People of God series: that The People of God Are On Mission. ...

The People Of God Are Futuristic - Part 2 of 2

September 08, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Jesus is coming again... and again! We're waiting for what the Bible calls, "the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." But there will be more than one "appearing." Yesterday Jim took us through 3 future developments. We could use the shorthand: "Rapture," "Armageddon" and "New Jerusalem." The point is to lift our heads, because our redemption "draweth nigh." Here's Part 2 of Jim's sermon. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Fr...

The People Of God Are Futuristic - Part 1 of 2

September 07, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Christians know the future! But what are we doing with that knowledge? Human beings are stuck in the present. We can't go back in time; we can only go forward, one moment after another. Whatever happens tomorrow or next year will be a surprise. The ignorance of our species causes some to "party hearty," while others live in fear, trying to prepare for the worst. But Christians know the future - the broad outline, anyway. And our response should be different. Listen to Right Start Radio ...

The People Of God Are Honorable - Part 2 of 2

September 06, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The servants of God shouldn't live like the devil! Before we knew Jesus, we were slaves of sin. We had no choice but to live in our flesh and dishonor God, no matter how hard we may have tried to escape our chains. Then we were redeemed, and came under a new Master. But have you noticed that we have a lot more freedom under this Lord? We're free to live holy, but we're not forced to. Today Pastor Jim will wrap up his sermon, The People of God are Honorable. Listen to Right Start Radio ev...

The People Of God Are Honorable - Part 1 of 2

September 05, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Don't ask me for directions - I'm just a tourist! I have a relative who can't go into a hardware store without being approached and asked for assistance. He just looks like he "works there." Well, what about us? Do we fit into this corrupt, 2-dimensional landscape a little too well? We've talked recently about being peculiar, as a group of people. The Apostle Peter has some advice on standing out as individuals. We're to be, not just "different," but honorable. Listen to Right Start Ra...

The People Of God Are Peculiar - Part 2 - Part 1 of 1

September 04, 2023 05:00 - 22.9 MB

But what about...? Jim's recent sermon on some distinctive Christian practices raised some questions! And that's good. Questions allow us to clarify, and also to tackle objections. Two questions in particular will get our attention today: What about the healing that seems to be promised in James, chapter 5 upon anointing with oil by the elders? We'll spend some time on that, but first: Are there some practices that were for the early church, but not for us? Let's get started. Listen to...

The People Of God Are Peculiar - Part 1 - Part 2 of 2

September 01, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

If you're not just a little weird, you're not doing it right. The people of God don't do things differently just to be different; but as we're heading in the opposite direction of the world, sometimes our "normal" is going to be their "abnormal," and vice-versa. Yesterday we got a live demonstration of baptism, and touched on the topic of foot-washing. Today we'll hear about some more unique practices of the church. Here's the conclusion of a sermon Pastor Jim calls, The People of God are...

The People Of God Are Peculiar - Part 1 - Part 1 of 2

August 31, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

God promised He would make us a "peculiar people." Well, He kept that one, didn't He? Here's an unusual kind of sermon, to illustrate the unusual things Christians do. Jim will be joined by several other folks at different points in his talk, to give live illustrations of baptism, foot-washing, and other ordinances. And he'll explain the reason and significance of each act. Beyond mere obedience, there's deep symbolism here. His sermon is, The People of God are Peculiar, Part 1. Listen t...

The People Of God Are Disciplined Part 2 - Part 1 of 1

August 30, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Though we disagree with Shakespeare about the cynicism and despair saturating that famous monologue of his, we have to admit that he was seeing something clearly. Each of us has a role; it changes throughout life; and one day our part will be concluded. In heaven we'll have no need for characterizations like "employee," "parent," or "spouse." Jim invites us to live with that in mind. Listen to Right Start Radio every M...

The People Of God Are Disciplined - Part 2 of 2

August 29, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

There are no two-person relationships; God is always in the equation! We've been re-calibrating our minds to what we read in Colossians, chapter 3. The view of human relationships we find there is so different from the world's view - because the world is missing God. We can serve another person and ultimately serve Jesus; or sin against another person, to one day find that we've offended the Judge of Heaven. Here's Jim to conclude his sermon, The People of God are Disciplined. Listen to R...

The People Of God Are Disciplined - Part 1 of 2

August 28, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The people of God should be status-blind. Jesus restored the dignity of people who were at the bottom of the social pecking-order: women, the poor, children, foreigners, even lepers. Without subverting authority - and that's important to note - the Lord upheld the intrinsic value of each person. This teaching has implications for us, as His followers. Paul walks us through those in Colossians, chapter 3. Jim's sermon is called, The People of God are Disciplined. Listen to Right Start R...

The People of God Should Pray Hard - Part 3 of 3

August 25, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"The main reason people don't act like Jesus is because they don't think like Jesus." The pollster George Barna has some alarming news about the state of the church today. On this program we don't spend much time on surveys, but this one deserves some thought. It reveals that we've been falling very far short of Paul's directive to "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." On Wednesday and Thursday we talked about prayer; today we'll focus on the watching. Lis...

The People of God Should Pray Hard - Part 2 of 3

August 24, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

How do you fight an enemy you can't see? The devil is a foe too strong and too cunning for us to handle alone. His forces won't be defeated by our Christian seminars. They live in the invisible realm and use invisible weapons. This battle must be fought in prayer. That's another reason - in addition to those Jim shared yesterday - that The People of God Should Pray Hard. We've set up base camp at Colossians 4, but we're exploring other scriptures, too. Listen to Right Start Radio every Mon...

The People of God Should Pray Hard - Part 1 of 3

August 23, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Prayer-full is worry-free! The fact that we need repeated encouragement to pray doesn't make us bad Christians. Apparently the first-century crew needed the same kind of teaching and stirring-up. Then, all the way to now, there seems to be a relationship between someone's time in prayer, and his or her effectiveness for the Kingdom. Jim will give us some practical suggestions as he goes through this sermon. The new addition to our People of God series is called The People of God Should Pra...

The People Of God Are Dependent - Part 2 of 2

August 22, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Would you believe that Paul's success depended on other people's prayers? Paul believed it! The Apostle Paul was a learned man, but he wasn't leaning on his learning when he told people about Jesus. He enlisted the help of believers in Colossae and elsewhere - he asked them to pray. If we don't have the quantity or quality of prayer we'd like, maybe it's because we don't realize our dependence on God. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) a...

The People Of God Are Dependent - Part 1 of 2

August 21, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Abraham Lincoln did not say, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." No matter who said it, and whether the time was originally hours or minutes, it's still a great quote. Because it reminds us that we've got to work smarter, or we will work harder. The work of the Kingdom is what Jim has in mind today, and sharpening the axe is the time we spend in prayer. The sermon is called, The People of God are Dependent. We're in Colossians, chapt...

The People Of God Are Contemporary - Part 2 of 2

August 18, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Would you rather read an instruction manual, or watch a video? There are a few of us who like to read the Owner's Manual. If it's been translated from another language it's probably hilarious! - but not very informative. It's much easier to watch someone else demonstrate the thing you're trying to do. Well, many of us have tried to "instruct" people into the Kingdom of God when we should have been showing them what a child of the King looks like. From James 3:17 Jim has talked about the w...

The People Of God Are Contemporary - Part 1 of 2

August 17, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We need to cut outsiders more slack! As our study of Colossians moves forward today, first we'll need to acknowledge that are "outsiders" and "insiders," as God sees us. There is a "family circle." And the standard is going to be higher for those within the circle! Clearly we're going to need wisdom because we don't want to wink at sin while we interact graciously with sinners. And wisdom is a central theme of what we'll hear today. Here's Jim with Part 1 of, The People of God are Contem...

The People Of God Are Peaceful & Content - Part 2 of 2

August 16, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The ripple effect of peace. Some people have no peace within themselves. Their world would be a much brighter place if they could find a way to "live in their own skin." But we know that reconciliation with God comes first; then peace can flow out to ourselves, our family, church, and beyond. That kind of radiating peace might look different than we expect. Here's Jim to conclude his message, The People of God are Peaceful and Content. We're in Paul's letter to the Colossians. Listen to...

The People Of God Are Peaceful & Content - Part 1 of 2

August 15, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

If a human being is going to have peace with God, someone is going to have to surrender! We are all born rebels. We stubbornly refuse to bow the knee to the rightful King of the Universe. We want our own way! But our war on God is hopeless, of course, and it makes us miserable. Then we hear the message of Peace; we're confronted with the gospel. Some choose to renew the fight. But for those who accept the divine terms, there is peace... and contentment. Listen to Right Start Radio every...

The People Of God Are Joyful & Hopeful - Part 2 of 2

August 14, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Mary was "blessed" for the same reason we can be blessed! Mary was a godly young woman, engaged to a descendant of King David, visited by an angel. But the reason we all consider her to be "blessed" is that she had the Son of God living inside her. Well, can't we have that same blessing in a different way? What did Paul mean by the phrase, "Christ in you, the hope of glory?" Today Jim completes our discussion from Friday: The People of God are Joyful and Hopeful. Listen to Right Start Rad...

The People Of God Are Joyful

August 14, 2023 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Mary was "blessed" for the same reason we can be blessed! Mary was a godly young woman, engaged to a descendant of King David, visited by an angel. But the reason we all consider her to be "blessed" is that she had the Son of God living inside her. Well, can't we have that same blessing in a different way? What did Paul mean by the phrase, "Christ in you, the hope of glory?" Today Jim completes our discussion from Friday: The People of God are Joyful and Hopeful. Listen to Right Start Rad...

The People Of God Are Joyful & Hopeful - Part 1 of 2

August 11, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Most of us know the joy of December 25th. What if we could have the same joy on December 26th? Or August 11th? If you know Christ only as the "baby in the manger," your Jesus is too small! If you know Him as the Teacher, the Healer, the Savior, the Risen Son of God... well, He is even bigger than that! And knowing Him as He is will fill us with glad confidence. Here's Jim to open the message, The People of God are Joyful and Hopeful. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Frid...

The People Of God Are Caring And Courageous - Part 1 of 1

August 10, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

The people of God are caring...and courageous. Those two words, "caring" and "courageous," are an odd pair, aren't they? We think of the people with courage out on the front lines where the battle is most fierce, while the caring folks are back in the hospitals doing their work of mercy. But, since the church has been compared to both an army and a hospital, maybe we should expect to find bravery as well as compassion in her midst. Would outsiders see both in you and me? Listen to Right S...

The People Of God Are Scripture Centered - Part 1 of 1

August 09, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"A man with one watch knows what time it is, and a man with two watches could never be sure." That old quip about timepieces comes to mind when we see Christians trying to live their lives both by the Word of God, and by the whims of culture. When your authorities disagree, which do you follow? Let's think some more about Colossians 3. Jim will make the case that The People of God are Scripture-Centered. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, O...

The People Of God Are Spirit Energized - Part 2 of 2

August 08, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Are you giving off a pleasing aroma... or an unholy stench? The Holy Spirit living in us will produce fruit - beautiful, sweet-smelling, refreshing fruit. It isn't something we have to work at; it's just our new nature as a "planting of the Lord." It's one of the 4 evidences of the Spirit that Jim is counting with us. Yesterday we started with being Born of the Spirit. We'll complete the list today, in the second half of a message called, The People of God are Spirit-Energized. Listen t...

The People Of God Are Spirit Energized - Part 1 of 2

August 07, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

"This is not a pipe." René Magritte painted a picture of a tobacco pipe and captioned it, Ceci n'est pas une pipe - "This is not a pipe." He started people thinking about what he called, "The Treachery of Images." When is a rose not a rose, but only a likeness of a rose? When is a toaster just a hunk of scrap metal? And when is a "Christian" merely a hollow facsimile of the real thing? Jim's sermon is called, The People of God are Spirit-Energized. Listen to Right Start Radio every Mon...

Forgiven People Forgive - Part 2 of 2

August 04, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

When "that guy" shows up at the door. You know, the guy who burned you on that business deal; the gal who torpedoed your reputation; the one person you never thought you'd see again. He's here. And he's got some kind of letter in his hands. That was the kind of day Philemon was having when he opened the door and saw his runaway slave, Onesimus. Our lesson in Colossians will take a side trip as we get a case study of the principle that Forgiven People Forgive. Listen to Right Start Radio e...

Forgiven People Forgive - Part 1 of 2

August 03, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

One of the things we have to bear, as Christians - is Christians! Paul doesn't sugar-coat the situation in his letter to the Colossians. Sometimes we're just going to have to put up with each other! We are family, after all. But, unlike our "BC" selves, we now have the resources to enable that patience. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start c...

The People Of God - Part 2 of 2

August 02, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Hello, dead people! Paul's message to the Colossians is that they died... and were raised with Christ. And this should produce some dramatic changes, to say the least! Yesterday we began studying Colossians, chapter 3, and the first thing we noticed is that the Apostle told them to "Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth;" or as Jim has put it, be "Heavenly Focused." There are two more distinctives that should also be birthmarks, as it were, of the people of God. Listen...

The People Of God - Part 1 of 2

August 01, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

What are the marks of a good church? By a "good" church we mean not just an authentic fellowship of believers - that would be rare enough - but also a church that's attractive to someone who's genuinely interested in real Life from the true God. What signs would such a person look for - consciously or unconsciously? Jim will help us think about that as he opens a new series in the book of Colossians. Both the sermon and the series are called, The People of God. Here's Part 1. Listen to R...

Evidence Isn't Enough - Part 2 of 2

July 31, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

Are you a believer, or a Believer? In the nearest orbit of Jesus, if you will, are Peter, James and John. Then the Twelve. Farther out, others that are also called "disciples." In the outer reaches of His influence are the crowds that will shout "Hosanna!" one day, and "Crucify!" on another. What's the critical difference? What separates the mere assenter from the fervent follower? Jim resumes his talk from Friday called, Evidence Isn't Enough. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday t...

Evidence IsnEt Enough - 't Enough - Part 2 of 2

July 31, 2023 04:00 - 22.8 MB

Are you a believer, or a Believer? In the nearest orbit of Jesus, if you will, are Peter, James and John. Then the Twelve. Farther out, others that are also called "disciples." In the outer reaches of His influence are the crowds that will shout "Hosanna!" one day, and "Crucify!" on another. What's the critical difference? What separates the mere assenter from the fervent follower? Jim resumes his talk from Friday called, Evidence Isn't Enough. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday t...

Evidence Isn't Enough - Part 1 of 2

July 28, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

We are not rational creatures. We think we calmly listen to the evidence, then make up our minds about an issue based on the data. In fact what we usually do is pick the conclusion we like, and then find facts to defend it. Jesus ran into the "brick wall" of closed minds and hearts. Despite evidence like the raising of Lazarus from the dead, some simply chose not to believe. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (C...

Evidence IsnEt Enough - 'art 2 of 2

July 28, 2023 04:00 - 22.8 MB

We are not rational creatures. We think we calmly listen to the evidence, then make up our minds about an issue based on the data. In fact what we usually do is pick the conclusion we like, and then find facts to defend it. Jesus ran into the "brick wall" of closed minds and hearts. Despite evidence like the raising of Lazarus from the dead, some simply chose not to believe. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (C...

Fresh Fish For Breakfast - Part 1 of 1

July 27, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

It was low tide on the Sea of Galilee. Peter's spirit was at a low ebb. The risen Christ had appeared to him and the other Disciples. But he was still feeling guilty about having betrayed Jesus. What was next? What had happened to his confidence? Had he thrown away his calling? We're speculating a bit about what Simon was feeling, because we have all felt like that - like we've moved far away from the Lord. Our sermon today is Fresh Fish for Breakfast. Listen to Right Start Radio ever...

Poor Jesus - Part 2 of 2

July 26, 2023 05:00 - 22.8 MB

What does it mean to be rich? Many of us who think of ourselves as "middle class" are actually rich in the global context. On the other hand, some people who enjoy a lavish lifestyle will be ruined when their creditors and the IRS finally catch up to them! Yesterday we began to think about the poor rich churches in Macedonia - Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea - and a secret they had grasped. Today we're back in 2 Corinthians to hear the rest of Jim's message, Poor Jesus. Listen to Right St...


Children of God
2 Episodes
Decline and Fall
2 Episodes