Richard Ellis Talks artwork

Richard Ellis Talks

1,304 episodes - English - Latest episode: 8 days ago - ★★★★★ - 335 ratings

The daily podcast with Richard Ellis. Follow / Like him @TalkWithRichard

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Flesh & Blood

April 04, 2023 05:00

Jesus didn't suffer a painful death by accident or chance. It was necessary for the fulfillment of prophecies that were foretold hundreds of years before the birth of Christ. He died in His earthly body so He could offer us hope for eternity -- and we, as believers, now make up the Body of Christ, left to show this world the hope we find in Him.

Easter Egg

April 02, 2023 05:00

Have you ever considered that the original "Easter egg" wasn't hardboiled or made of chocolate, but was, in fact, Jesus Himself? Scripture tells us that Mary was a virgin who, through the Holy Spirit, conceived God Himself within her womb. That egg was born as a baby, who would grow up as a human being to take the sins of all human beings with Him to the cross. We're offered redemption, freedom, and eternal salvation if we accept it -- all thanks to a virgin womb and an empty tomb.

Dirt Poor

April 01, 2023 05:00

Some people hear the Word and get excited -- at first. Others hear the Word and are just plain distracted by the world. Still others hear the Word, but they refuse to accept it. And then there are those who hear the Word and it resonates deep within, causing them to grow and produce spiritual fruit. Ever wonder which category you fall into? All you have to do is observe your life and what it's producing in order to find out the answer.

You’re Up

March 31, 2023 05:00

We can only stay "baby Christians" in spiritual infancy for so long. Sooner or later, we should be growing to the place of being able to help disciple other new believers. A life spent following Jesus is a life in which He'll always be asking us to do new things for His Kingdom's work -- and we'd better be ready to step up and obey when it's our turn.

Reign Check

March 30, 2023 05:00

Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So why do we still try to dethrone Him time and time again? When we allow Him to rule and reign in our lives, our circumstances might not always turn out the way we wanted, but there will be a heavenly reward awaiting us, and our purpose -- to glorify Him -- will be fulfilled.

Cash Crop

March 29, 2023 05:00

Where our treasures are, there our hearts will be, also. The "capital C" Church isn't made up of brick and mortar; it's made up of people, and God's called us to work together to learn how to meet the needs of others. Learning to hear His voice is one key to the mission of generosity -- the other key is to say "yes" when He asks!    


March 28, 2023 05:00

Genesis 2:24 instructs, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." The job of a parent is to train their child in the way they should go -- and then give them the freedom and the blessing to leave when that day comes. Both men and women are called to honor their parents once they're grown, but "honor" isn't always synonymous with "obedience" as adults.


March 27, 2023 05:00

Ever find yourself wrestling with God? If you want to save yourself a lot of time and energy, here's a tip: you'll never win that match-up! Too often we stand in our own way by disobeying God and what He's calling us to do, when He's waiting all along for us to surrender to His will. When we submit to His authority, He gives us His power to do things we could never accomplish on our own.

Southern Comfort

March 25, 2023 05:00

God is the ultimate Comforter. He knows our every pain and struggle. He comforts us so that we can turn around and comfort others. Instead of finding solace in earthly things, we need to seek our peace and reassurance in Him.

Hell Boy

March 24, 2023 05:00

Jesus knew from the beginning that Judas would ultimately betray Him one day. Yet He still allowed him to get close, and served him to the very end. The devil knew he couldn't get into Jesus, so he got as close as possible -- yet even in that, Jesus gave us the ultimate example of what it means to love and serve our greatest enemies.

I Believe Your Truth

March 23, 2023 05:00

We live in a world that claims all truth is relative. But there's only one Truth, and His name is Jesus Christ. His Gospel is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, and it's our job to be bold and speak it lovingly to those around us.

Sour Milk

March 22, 2023 05:00

Ever had a jug of milk that went sour because you chose to let it sit in the fridge and go bad instead of dumping it out? Often, that's what happens with our sin: it's easier for us to ignore it than to get rid of it. But God is our provider, and He'll never let us be empty. When we let go of the sinful nature we cling to, He's faithful to fill our lives with His blessings.

We Card

March 21, 2023 05:00

As newly born-again Christians, we're like infants in our faith: learning everything for the very first time. And that's okay! But sooner or later, we each need to grow up spiritually in order to be functioning, healthy members of the body of Christ. The more we grow, the more we realize that the Church isn't all about me -- it's all about we.

Baby Goat

March 20, 2023 05:00

You've probably heard the term G.O.A.T -- Greatest Of All Time -- tossed around when it comes to describing the accomplishments of famous actors, athletes, or musicians. But the Bible clearly tells us that the actual G.O.A.T. was, in fact, a Lamb: the Lamb of God. Jesus was, is, and forever will be the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the Greatest Of All Time. The only question is: what are we going to do about it?

Witness Summons

March 18, 2023 05:00

As followers of Christ, we're called to be witnesses and to testify about what God's done in our lives. Scripture tells us that if we're not reaching out to other people with the Gospel, we're not walking as closely with Jesus as we could be -- or should be. We need to not only be attentive, but also willing to listen for and obey the Lord's promptings.

Wake Up Call

March 17, 2023 05:00

Jesus told His disciples on more than one occasion that He would die and be raised from the dead -- yet when it ultimately happened, they were still in shock and disbelief. Two thousand years later, we know that unless Jesus comes back before our time is up, we're all going to die one day. God calls us to repent and be saved before that day comes, and He's prepared to send us wake up calls through various trials if that's what it takes to bring us into relationship with Him.

No, Thanks To You

March 16, 2023 05:00

We celebrate a holiday every year that's dedicated to the practice of giving thanks. But do we take time on a regular basis to thank -- really thank -- God for all He gives us? Everything we receive can be traced back to Him, and He's the provider of our every need.

For Whatever Happens

March 15, 2023 05:00

We can tell God, "whatever", throw caution to the wind, and live a life enslaved in sin. Or, we can tell God, "whatever", surrender to Him fully, and open ourselves up to be used in whatever way He sees fit. And when we choose obedience to Him, we get a front-row seat to see Him do extraordinary things in us, through us, and around us.

Game Of Thrones

March 14, 2023 05:00

Be honest -- have you ever seated God on the throne of your life, only to unseat Him when you feel like you can do a better job? Surrender is hard, and we like to think life will go more smoothly when we take over control. But in the end, we'll all submit to His Kingship in one way or another; instead of playing a game of thrones, why not yield to Him and experience life to the fullest?

Skin Deep

March 13, 2023 05:00

Racism isn't a government problem or a culture problem -- it's a Church problem. It's our job as Christians to treat all believers as family; there is no distinction between brothers and sisters. No matter our differences, love triumphs over all things in the body of Christ.

I Can Only Imagine

March 11, 2023 05:00

Haven't we all wondered what life after death will be like? The Bible guarantees that we'll be in one of two places: for those who choose Christ, it will be heaven, and for those who deny Him, it will be hell. We can't just spend our time here being content to ride out this temporary life; we have to make a conscious choice to either own heaven as our home, or be left only ever imagining what it would be like.


March 10, 2023 05:00

Jesus died because He wanted us -- and we have to be willing to be wanted in a different way, for His sake. People hated Jesus for the truth that He spoke, and people may hate us for speaking about the difference that He's made in our lives. But Jesus didn't back down, even when it ultimately led Him to the cross, and we have to be prepared to sacrifice everything for Him.

So Close

March 09, 2023 05:00

Being "good" isn't bad -- it's just not good enough. The Bible's clear that the only way for us to be redeemed from our sin is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. We're all born into sin, and we must all be spiritually born again in order to be saved.

The Gap

March 08, 2023 05:00

Through Christ and His sacrifice, we're made righteous and whole in Him, and we're given the ability to stand in the gap for someone else through prayer. We all know someone who doesn't know God and who's experiencing a world of hurt without Him. As Christians, it's our job to advocate on their behalf before the Father.

Let There Be More Light

March 07, 2023 05:00

If you've ever lost power during a bad storm, you know the feeling of relief that comes when you're connected back to the grid and the lights come back on. And if you try to drive a car at night without your headlights on, or walk through a pitch-black room without a flashlight, it's not only next to impossible -- it's also incredibly dangerous. We depend on light to see where we're going, and where to take our next step. The Bible says Jesus is Light -- and in Him, there is no darkness. Wha...

Expect Delays

March 06, 2023 05:00

When we ask God for something according to His will, He promises to answer us. But He doesn't promise to answer us in our way or in our timing. Scripture tells us to be persistent in our petitions no matter how long it takes, because we're asking for what He's put on our hearts, then He'll answer in His perfect timing.

Road Kill

March 04, 2023 05:00

We live in a broken world, and everybody's battle scars look different. But whether they're physical, emotional, or spiritual wounds, they all have one thing in common: the need for someone with compassion to help clean them up, no matter how messy the process.


March 03, 2023 05:00

Time and time again throughout the Old Testament, we see the Israelites turn away from God to find satisfaction in other things, and time and time again, we see that it ends badly for them. That's because the only true satisfaction we'll ever find is in God alone. But the Israelites weren't the only ones to make that mistake; we do it too, building our own "cisterns" that ultimately crack and leak while God, the Fountain of Life, is waiting all along for us to come to Him.

Stand Up Man

March 02, 2023 05:00

Sometimes God purposely places us or allows us in situations where we have to make a choice: are we going to stand for Him, or are we going to back down for the world? When we choose the former, we have to be willing to ask for support from other believers and recognize the wisdom of finding strength in numbers.

Life Can Be A Scream

March 01, 2023 05:00

Happiness lives on the face -- but joy lives in the soul. Jesus promised there would be trials in this life, and we've all experienced hard moments where all we want to do is scream. Yet the Bible tells us to change our perspective and to see our troubles as joy, because God also promises to use all things for His good, and He's faithful to keep His promise.

Good Evil

February 28, 2023 05:00

We read in the Old Testament about how God used the worst possible events in Joseph's life to save an entire nation. We might not all be thrown into wells, put in prison, or made governors over an entire country, but we have one very important detail in common with Joseph: no matter what evil occurs in our lives, God is always capable of turning it around for His good.

Clean And Sober

February 27, 2023 05:00

The world is full of people who are addicted to something-- drugs, money, fame, sex, food, material possessions, and the list goes on. But true freedom requires more than just getting sober -- it requires getting clean. Jesus is the only One who can clean a person's life up from the inside out, and He waits patiently for us to answer the question, "Do you want to be made well?"

The Fast Track

February 25, 2023 05:00

Have you ever felt bound by your sin and in desperate need to witness the evidence of God's work in your life? Fasting is one way of clearing the distractions from our vision so that we can more easily see what He's doing. It may not be some secret formula that gives us all the answers that we want when we want them, but as with any spiritual discipline, it ultimately draws us closer to Him through the process.


February 24, 2023 05:00

We've all heard the phrase "separation of church and state". But what about the phrase "separation of God and career"? Often, we identify ourselves by the jobs we do and the money we make. But inviting the Lord into our lives isn't limited to Sunday mornings -- it needs to happen Monday through Saturday too, including in our businesses and our workplaces.

On The Rocks

February 23, 2023 05:00

There are moments when we find ourselves wrecked by our own choices, and there are moments when we face trials and tribulations even in the midst of absolute faithfulness and obedience. But no matter what circumstances we're in or how we got there, God can use them -- and us -- to do miraculous things. When we trust Him through the tough times instead of complaining about the situation, we demonstrate the hope we have in Jesus to an otherwise hopeless world.

Spotless, Wrinkle-Free

February 22, 2023 05:00

When we give our lives to Christ, God declares us holy and blameless in His sight. Yet often, we'd rather go back to our old sin than live in the freedom God's granted us. He's capable of restoring us and making us spotless from our past mistakes, but we have to be willing to allow Him to change us from the inside out.

Yes! Much Better! Thank You!

February 21, 2023 05:00

A life lived in obedience to God will always be accompanied by suffering, especially when it comes to fighting the temptations of this world. But we are not a people without hope. Scripture promises us that no matter the struggles and pain we trudge through on this side of Heaven, all will be restored and made perfect in eternity.

No! I Don’t Feel Better!

February 20, 2023 05:00

Getting saved doesn't equal a life free of suffering and pain. In fact, Jesus said that if we want to follow Him, we have to take up our cross daily to do so. When we choose to pursue a Christ-centered life, it's inevitable that we'll experience earthly trials -- but it's nothing compared to the abundant life that God promises us for all eternity.

Call Waiting

February 18, 2023 05:00

At some point in each of our lives, God gives us a calling. Yet so many of us choose to ignore it. We're afraid that if we follow what He has planned for us, we'll lose our lives in the process, instead of recognizing that we've already lost them when we miss out on what He has in store. The impact one life can have on the world when yielded to God is remarkable -- all we have to do is answer the call.


February 17, 2023 05:00

Our lives are often the "Bible" that other people are reading, and what they find in its contents may be the deciding factor in whether they choose to meet Christ. That's why it's important that we allow ourselves to be authentically flawed instead of trying to pretend like we have it all together. When we're honest about the fact that we never stop growing and learning in our walk with God, they begin to see that being a follower of Jesus is about process, not perfection.

Need To Know

February 16, 2023 05:00

We live in the information age. We can access just about anything we want, at our fingertips and at a moment's notice. But God's timing doesn't always result in instant gratification. Sometimes, having too much information isn't in our best interest; that's why God puts us on a "need to know" basis where we can learn to trust His plan for our lives and walk by faith.

Here For What?

February 15, 2023 05:00

Just because we're saved as Christians, doesn't mean our lives will automatically transform overnight. We can easily remain in denial if we choose, surrounding ourselves with people who will tell us we're doing fine and don't need to make any changes when we decide to follow Jesus. But He didn't save us so that we could stay stuck in our sin; He saved us so that we could experience the joy of a constantly-growing relationship with Him.

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

February 14, 2023 05:00

1 John 4:19 tells us, "We love because He first loved us." The Bible tells us that nothing we do will have any value if it's not motivated by love. If we want to represent the unconditional love of Christ, we have to allow Jesus to reign in every aspect of our lives.

100% Proof

February 13, 2023 05:00

Nothing in this world will fulfill us like Jesus can -- but that doesn't stop us from trying to find alternatives. Whether it's alcohol, drugs, money, sex, food, or some other crutch, we turn to all kinds of earthly temptations in hopes that it will fill the void. The only One who can satisfy the heart is the One who made it, and the love, joy and peace He brings to us is proof to everyone around us that we have something they need.

Super Bole

February 11, 2023 05:00

From the Garden of Eden to the Cross of Calvary, trees have played a central role in our salvation story. Only when we go to the foot of the tree where Jesus took our sin upon Himself will we find salvation in Him. The word "bole" literally means the trunk of a tree -- and the biggest "super bole" we'll ever see is the redemption that comes from the tree of life found only in Christ.

Big Game

February 10, 2023 05:00

God has a purpose for our lives -- and the enemy spends every second of every day working hard to keep us from accomplishing that purpose. Like a roaring lion, he's always on the prowl. It's essential for us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus if we want to avoid falling into the devil's traps.

Braves, Slaves, Babes

February 09, 2023 05:00

It's possible to have righteous anger against something without wishing harm on another person. In Scripture, we read about how Jesus stood up for His Father's house when He became angry about injustice. As Christians, we're called to stand up for what's right and what's just -- but we can do it without malicious intent towards people and can instead focus our energy on fighting for change.

Hand On

February 08, 2023 05:00

You'll never be truly hands-on in the Church until you hand on what God's given you to others. A major component of spiritual maturity involves making disciples and passing down what we've learned to newer Christians. As we grow in our faith, we teach others to do the same, and we grow the Church in the process.

Man Down

February 07, 2023 05:00

When trouble and temptation come our direction, and the only way we see out is through consequences that we know will bring us pain, God provides us with an escape route and a way back to Him. Drawing near to the Lord, surrounding ourselves with other Christians who will keep us accountable, and remembering that God's mercy is eternal are all weapons in which we can find strength for the battle against the enemy.

You’re Being Played

February 06, 2023 05:00

We're all being played -- the only thing we have to decide is whether we're being played by the devil or "played" by God. When we take the bait the enemy lays out for us, we fall into his traps and suffer the consequences. But when we yield our lives to God, He can use us to do amazing things that we could have never done on our own.


Gone with the Wind
1 Episode