Richard Ellis Talks artwork

Richard Ellis Talks

1,308 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 8 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 335 ratings

The daily podcast with Richard Ellis. Follow / Like him @TalkWithRichard

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The Lost World

August 27, 2022 05:00

Without God, we're just dead souls in living bodies. But when we receive the gift of salvation that Jesus so freely offers us out of His goodness and His grace, we're brought to life and become living souls in living bodies! And while we can't do anything to earn it, we can do everything in our power to share the good news of the Gospel with the lost and hurting world around us.

A Second Look

August 26, 2022 05:00

If we've been trying to live our own way and do our own thing, it's time to give Jesus a second look and consider what He offers us. When we take a step back and evaluate our choices, we're able to see more clearly that life doesn't turn out as well when we take charge as it does when we surrender to God. The story of the prodigal son reminds us that the Father is always inviting us to return to Him -- and when we do, He's waiting to welcome us with open arms.


August 25, 2022 05:00

Do you know why God didn't put eyes in the back of our heads? Because that's not the direction He wants us to go! After we've gone through the stages of regret, reset, and restore, it's time for us to resume the work that God's called us to do. No matter what we've done or what's happened to us in the past, we can't allow it to hold us back from moving forward in the purpose God's called us to and the work He's left us on this earth to complete.

Regret, Reset, Restore

August 24, 2022 05:00

Feeling remorse over our sin is important -- but it's still only a first step. When our regret leads us to repentance, God is able to reset our lives and begin the process of restoring us. He forgives us, wipes our slate clean, and then uses our story to bring others hope for the same outcome in their own lives.  

It’s Not Fair

August 23, 2022 05:00

As the old saying goes, "a complaining tongue reveals an ungrateful heart." We can bemoan the fact that life isn't always fair -- and sometimes, it's just plain unjust -- and allow our circumstances to get the best of us. Or, we can choose to believe that our Heavenly Father loves to bless us as His children, and trust that He has a plan and a purpose to use our situation for His glory and His good.

Idiot Stickers

August 22, 2022 05:00

Scripture is filled with real stories of real people, just like you and me -- and many of those stories illustrate the high cost of disobeying the Lord. While we're all susceptible to making mistakes, we can avoid many of the pitfalls we read about in the Bible when we're grounded in relationship with God and with His Word.

Fetal Position

August 20, 2022 05:00

Scripture tells us that God made us on purpose, by design, just the way we are. From the moment we became life in the womb, He had plans for us, and He's faithful to fulfill those plans no matter what detours we take along the way. He knows us completely and loves us more than anyone else could -- and when He calls us to protect others, it's our job to submit ourselves in obedience and stand up for the value of human life.

Excuses Excuses Excuses

August 19, 2022 05:00

God is calling you and me to make a difference -- not an excuse! We've been put in place to carry out His work for His glory, knowing it has eternal impact on the lives of those around us. Instead of looking for reasons why He can't or shouldn't use us, we should be seeking out the purpose He wants to see fulfilled in us and through us.

Best If Used By

August 18, 2022 05:00

The more sand that's fallen from the hourglass of our life, the more clearly we can see through it. That's why it's better for us to decide early on that we're going to let our time be used by God, rather than wait until our time is up and our life expires. The Lord alone has already determined the length of our days; it's our job to submit to His will and let Him use that time in whatever way He sees fit.

Hear & Now

August 17, 2022 05:00

One of the most important steps we have to take once we choose to follow Jesus is tune our ears to listen for His voice. As we go through each day, He'll lead us to specific action, and our job is to hear and respond, no matter how crazy a prompt it might seem. The more time we spend in relationship with Him, the more we'll find ourselves moving in instinctive obedience to the things He calls us to do.

Foster Care

August 16, 2022 05:00

God loves us so much that He literally gave up His own Son to get us into His family. And as members of His family, the people He cares about should become the people we care about, too. When He lives inside us, He changes our hearts to care for the poor, the widows, the orphaned, the imprisoned, and every other person who He calls His beloved child.

Prostrate Exam

August 15, 2022 05:00

To prostrate ourselves before the Lord is to humble ourselves and submit to His will above our own. Jesus warned us that we must deny ourselves and take up our crosses if we want to follow Him. In order to obey that command, we have to be willing to commit to going where He leads us -- no matter what suffering it may involve.

In Person

August 13, 2022 05:00

There's a saying that goes, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." And while that might sound like a bit of a cliché, there's truth in those words! We serve a God who came down in person to live and love among us here on earth before He ultimately died for our sins. In the same way, people feel valued when we show up in their lives, in person, to journey with them through life's ups and downs -- and when we do that, it opens the door for us to share God's lo...

Womb Mates

August 12, 2022 05:00

God had a purpose for the lives of Jacob and Esau, and even when they got in the way of themselves, nothing they did could ultimately change His plan. Our number one goal should be to live in such a way that it pleases God, but for those times when we inevitably screw up, there's good news: He can take any mess in our lives and use it for His glory.

Basic Instincts

August 11, 2022 05:00

Did you know that as followers of Christ, we're not "only" human? We have the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit inside us! And that means even though we're prone to being tempted, God's given us all the tools we need to resist temptation and overcome sin so we can live a godly life.

In His Name

August 10, 2022 05:00

There's a reason that Scripture focuses so much on the name of Jesus. It's because there is no other name that carries power and authority on earth and in heaven -- and when we use His power in His name, we bring Him glory and honor.

After The Fact

August 09, 2022 05:00

You don't have to be a "Type A" personality to make plans; even the most flexible and spontaneous among us still try to direct the outcomes of our lives! But sometimes, the way God gets us to where He wants us to go is the way we never would have chosen for ourselves. In the moments, we have a choice to make: will we worship God despite our circumstances, or shake our fists at Him when things don't go the way we planned?

Making An Entrance

August 08, 2022 05:00

Have you ever considered just how remarkable God made Jesus' time on earth? From the virgin birth to the miracle of His resurrection, throughout His life and His death in between, none of it was ordinary -- but the Father's plan was perfectly fulfilled through His Son. Jesus promises to return for us one day, and it's up to us to be ready and waiting when He makes His entrance into the world once more.

Sleeper Lines

August 06, 2022 05:00

Those rumble strips in the road that help us stay alert and stay in our lane are called "sleeper lines". But did you know that God gives us sleeper lines in our spiritual lives, too? He never allows us to drift off-course without sending us warning signals. Sometimes those signals come from Scripture, and other times they come from wise people, but it's up to us whether to heed the warnings we're given or drive our lives into the ditch.

Wishy Washy

August 05, 2022 05:00

Wishy-washy people aren't just unreliable -- they're untrustworthy, because you can never count on them to follow through. And when we as Christians are unreliable in our words and our actions, it reflects on the God we serve. The Lord wants us to be reliable to Him and to other people because we are the conduits He's chosen to carry out His work. When we face obstacles in doing the job He's called us to do, we've got to commit to fighting through it, no matter how hard it gets.

Once And For All

August 04, 2022 05:00

Jesus' death paid the debt for our sin once and for all! There is no expiry date, fine print, or loophole on the sacrifice He made on our behalf -- we just have to choose to accept His gift. When we look to Him for our salvation He's faithful to save us, not only from our past, but from a present and a future spent without Him.

Apply Within

August 03, 2022 05:00

"I did it my way" might have been a great line for Frank Sinatra, but it's not a good approach for you and me if we're striving to follow Jesus! When we apply God's Word to our lives consistently and faithfully, we begin to see our lives transformed in a powerful -- and eternal -- way.

Days Of Our Lives

August 02, 2022 05:00

Yes, we have to work to live -- but if that's all we fill our time with, we're wasting the time God gave us here. No matter our profession, God calls us to represent Him in every facet of life and to everyone we meet. Let's spend the days of our lives in obedience to Him, living each one as though it was our last!

Old School

August 01, 2022 05:00

Unless Jesus comes back or we die young, most of us will have the privilege of growing old -- but that doesn't mean we should just sit idly by and wait for death to come! We should be spending our time preparing to go home to Heaven by soaking up God's Word, remaining teachable to the lessons He wants us to learn, and pouring into the people around us with every opportunity He gives us.

Not Without A Fight

July 30, 2022 05:00

We tend to treat this life more like an amusement park than a battlefield. But we're in the midst of a spiritual battle, and the enemy wants to do everything he can to make us lose. We can choose to let hell overtake us and beat us down, or we can pick up our weapons, like prayer and worship, and fight to the very end.

Livin’ The Life

July 29, 2022 05:00

We've all been there: even if we're not "the jealous type", each of us has, at some point in time, looked at somebody else and thought, "they seem to have it all." But no matter how good a person's life appears on the outside, without Christ on the inside, they're spiritually empty. No amount of money, cars, houses, good jobs, or even good morals can replace this truth: only Jesus can give us a life of true joy and fulfillment.


July 28, 2022 05:00

In a world full of messaging that "I'm number one" and "it's all about me", we have to listen through the noise to hear God saying the opposite. He's chosen us and called us according to His purpose, not because of anything we've done, but because He's gracious and merciful. Our job is to live out of humility, not ego, sharing the unconditional love that He first showed to us with everyone around us.

Black Box

July 27, 2022 05:00

One of the first things investigators do when an aircraft crashes is search for the "black box", because it records and reveals every piece of data that might explain why the plane went down. We all sin, and sometimes we try to cover it up, but there's a "black box" in our lives recording everything we do, and eventually it will be made known. God calls us not to hide from Him, but to come clean before Him in repentance and allow Him to change us from the inside out.


July 26, 2022 05:00

In God's family, there are no strangers. There are no rejects. There are no outcasts. There are only beloved children of God. When we stand up and proclaim His name, we might be rejected by the world, but we can take confidence in knowing that we're not only accepted by the Lord of the universe -- we're chosen by Him, too.

Sheep Sheep

July 25, 2022 05:00

One of the most dangerous things any Christian can do is isolate themselves from other believers. The Bible describes us as sheep and the Lord as our Shepherd, who cares for us and provides for all of our needs. But just like in a real flock, there are always wolves on the prowl, seeking to come into the fold with the intent to steal, kill, and destroy. That's why we've got to be ever watchful and remain on guard against the enemy's attacks.

Hand Picked

July 23, 2022 05:00

We like to kid ourselves with the idea that we're somehow in control -- of ourselves, of our decisions, and even of the world in which we live. The bad news: we're not in control. The good news: God is! We serve a living God who's always in charge. He hears us, He sees us, and His plan will prevail, no matter the circumstances we face.

Taken For Granted

July 22, 2022 05:00

You know you've started taking something for granted when you stop being thankful for it. God's blessed us abundantly with more things than we can count, including our salvation and the gift of eternal life. The best way to avoid losing our appreciation for what He's given us is to continually respond to Him with gratitude and in thanksgiving for all that He's done.

Knee Grow

July 21, 2022 05:00

It's hard to imagine, especially here in the United States in the 21st century, but you and I and every other person were born as slaves -- slaves to sin. The good news is this: we've been offered freedom from our bondage thanks to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. When we accept the forgiveness He offers us, we submit ourselves to His care and become His slave instead, knowing He'll provide for our every need.

Almost 18

July 20, 2022 05:00

"When I grow up"..."I'm almost an adult"..."You can't make me" any of these phrases sound like something you or your kids might have said growing up?! In the same way, we often act like rebellious teenagers and lack spiritual maturity in our relationship with God. But we can't live the Christian life alone. That's why God designed His Church -- to be a community of believers that will help each other grow and mature.

Deer Pants

July 19, 2022 05:00

There's a saying that, "We are made for God, and nothing less will ever satisfy us." We all have a longing deep within our souls, and we try to fill that void with anything and everything this world has to offer. But we'll never be truly satisfied except through Jesus -- and when we drink from Him, He promises that we'll never thirst again.  

For Shame

July 18, 2022 05:00

Shame is just one of the many consequences of sin, but often it serves as the catalyst for us to repent from our wrongdoing. The one thing we should never be ashamed of is the goodness of God. May we have the courage to proclaim His love and mercy to a hurting world, and to speak of His forgiveness to all who we meet!

Me We

July 16, 2022 05:00

God never said we had to go bowling/skiing/on vacation/insert-your-choice-of-activity-here with people we don't like. But He did command us to love each other, and to do our part to live in peace with one another! It's impossible for us to do that without letting Him first live and work in our own lives. The sooner we let go of the idea that "it's all about me", the sooner we allow God to love other people through us.


July 15, 2022 05:00

When you think of God, you probably don't think of Him getting "in the ring" with His people! But Jacob's story in Scripture shows us that sometimes, we need to wrestle with the Lord about certain things -- and hold on for the count until He gives us His blessing to move forward.

Post Office

July 14, 2022 05:00

If our 24-hour day is a pie, and each activity we spend time on is a slice, then why does God often seem to get one of the smallest pieces? We're easily tempted to spend too much time working to indulge a lifestyle that we never really needed in the first place. Money in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but if we chase it rather than investing in our relationships with God and other people, then we're wasting the life God gave us.

In The Weeds

July 13, 2022 05:00

Have you ever heard the phrase, "can't see the forest for the trees"? Another way of putting it could be, "Can't see the flowers for the weeds"! All too often, we let our everyday worries and stress (the "weeds") distract us from the abundant life God desires for us (the "flowers"). But when we put our attention back on Him and His love for us, He holds us in His perfect peace, and we can live with the assurance that He will meet our every need.

Take The Planet

July 12, 2022 05:00

Of all the places in the world, there's no better place to be than exactly where God has called us to go. When Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations, it was a command, not a suggestion. Our entire purpose for being is to follow Him and to bring glory to His name.

Stuck In The Mud

July 11, 2022 05:00

We can have the clearest picture of what God intends for us to do -- the what, when, why, where, and how -- but at the end of the day, sometimes, we still just wind up getting stuck. There will always be obstacles that threaten to hold us back from accomplishing God's will. When we find ourselves spinning our wheels, we can waste time and effort trying to figure out a solution by ourselves, or we can ask God to make a way and to help us move forward.

The Shallow End

July 09, 2022 05:00

We all start out in the "shallow end" of spiritual maturity when we first accept Christ as the Lord of our lives. But eventually we have to swim out into the deeper waters of discipleship as we read His Word, seek His will, apply His truth, and grow deeper in our relationship with Him.


July 08, 2022 05:00

When we first make the decision to follow Jesus, God puts His Spirit in us to help guide us in living passionately for Him. But if we ignore the Holy Spirit, we become desensitized to His leading over time, and eventually we find ourselves in the mess of our own sin. The good news is this: God can always reignite a fire within us -- we only have to ask Him.

Cost Of Living

July 07, 2022 05:00

Jesus tells us that in order to follow Him, we have to deny ourselves. But more often, we wind up denying God and choosing our own will over His. Unless we submit to His leading in our lives, He can never fully live in us and through us. We have to let go of our selfish ways, die to our desires, and take on His life instead of our own.

On The Ball

July 06, 2022 05:00

We only have a short amount of time on this ball called Earth -- and we need to make the most of it. The question we each should ask ourselves is, "Am I living my life with God-honoring purpose, or am I wasting my time with sin?" When we strive to do the former by seeking God through Scripture and through prayer, He's gracious to give us His wisdom in response.


July 05, 2022 05:00

The Bible has a lot to say about humility -- because God knows our instinct is to be anything but! If we hold the attitude that we know everything and have nothing to learn from our brothers and sisters in Christ, it will only stunt our spiritual growth. But when we remain teachable and allow for other godly men and women to pour into our lives, we not only grow as individuals, but we equip ourselves to give back to the body of Christ by teaching others, in turn.

We Hold These Truths

July 04, 2022 05:00

As Americans, we're well-acquainted with the idea that human beings have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Yet chasing after those things from a worldly standpoint inevitably leads to death, despair, and slavery to our sin. Only in Jesus will we find abundant life, true freedom, and indescribable joy.

Oh, Say Can You See?

July 02, 2022 05:00

Life as a follower of Jesus is about more than just existing from now until God calls us home to Heaven -- it's about actively leaning into His power to carry out our purpose in the "in-between". And if the light hasn't yet turned on for us to be able to see that power that He offers us, all we have to do is ask!

On A Mission

July 01, 2022 05:00

The devil can read. He's seen what the Bible says about how Jesus will win the final battle, and he knows he's done for. That's why he's been on a mission since the fall of creation to take as many people as he can down with him. God wants us to join Him in His mission to share the saving power of the Gospel with the world -- and to spare as many people as possible from an eternity of hell.


Gone with the Wind
1 Episode