Richard Ellis Talks artwork

Richard Ellis Talks

1,310 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 7 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 335 ratings

The daily podcast with Richard Ellis. Follow / Like him @TalkWithRichard

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Tour Of Duty

January 05, 2023 05:00

Next time you find yourself experiencing self-doubt or questioning your worth, remember this: before you were even born, God picked you to carry out His mission on earth. He's chosen each of us not only to spend eternity with Him, but to spread His Gospel to the world while we're here.

No Show

January 04, 2023 05:00

Scripture expresses the importance of gathering together as the family of God to encourage one another, help in times of trouble, and keep each other accountable. When we're not an active part of biblical community, we have a tendency to drift away from our relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and with God Himself. One of the best contributions we can make to the body of believers is to simply show up.

New & Improved

January 03, 2023 05:00

Scripture gives us the ultimate hope, that we as believers will experience a new heaven and a new earth with the Lord one day. Anyone who chooses to believe in Christ becomes a new creation, with the promise of a perfect eternity ahead.

New Chief

January 02, 2023 05:00

It's "easy" to become a Christian and claim Christ as our Savior; the real struggle comes when we have to yield to Him as our Lord. Too often we profess that Jesus has saved us from our sins, but we refuse to relinquish control over our lives and instead we continue in bondage to our earthly desires. Only once we submit to Him will we experience the freedom that comes from surrender and that empowers us to grow more and more like Him.

New Leaf

December 31, 2022 05:00

The Bible tells us that when we're born again, we become a new creation; our old sin no longer has any hold on our lives. The problem? Sometimes, we miss our old sin. But when we learn to love Jesus more than we love the things of our past, He gives us the strength to walk forward in freedom and obedience to Him.

The End

December 30, 2022 05:00

"The end" is inevitable -- both the end of our lives, and the end of this world. But we don't have to be troubled or live in fear of either. Jesus promised that He would come back one day, and we need to be prepared for His second coming. We can be ready by having a right relationship with Him, and live in hopeful expectation for the moment when we see our Savior face-to-face.

Time Out

December 29, 2022 05:00

To quote C.S. Lewis, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." Sometimes we get rundown and tired, and we need to take a "time out" to rest and recharge from the work of ministry. But God never gives us permission to quit. We might need a break every now and then, but we have to stay focused on our purpose of sharing the Gospel and making an eternal impact before our time on earth is up.

Out Of Line

December 28, 2022 05:00

It's never easy to hear someone else call us out and tell us we're out of line -- but it's an important part of our spiritual and personal growth. When a godly friend points out an area in which we need to grow, we've got to have the spiritual maturity to humbly receive their rebuke. As Christians, we should strive to surround ourselves with people who encourage us towards Christ, even when that means calling out our sin in a loving and truthful way.

Chasing Rabbits

December 27, 2022 05:00

As Christians, we have two options for this life: we can chase God and His calling for us, or we can chase the temporary pleasures of the world. It's so easy to get distracted from our mission here -- but at the end of the day, this is only our temporary home, and it's our responsibility to fulfill our purpose until He calls us to our true home to be with Him for eternity.


December 26, 2022 05:00

The air we breathe, the things we own, the people we know, the unique gifts and talents we possess... everything we have comes from God, and to live obediently means being willing to give it all back to Him. He wants to use us as part of His plan to reach a broken and fallen world -- but we have to first offer ourselves and all that He's given us to be part of that plan and purpose.

Christmas Present

December 24, 2022 05:00

Before the world ever began, God knew there would need to be a plan for redemption, and He incorporated that plan into every aspect of His masterful handiwork. Because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we're offered the gift of salvation at no cost to us -- all we have to do is receive it.

The Messiah In A Minor

December 23, 2022 05:00

The Bible describes all the requirements for the Messiah to be a perfect sacrifice, without which He could have never fulfilled the stipulations of our sin debt. He had to be born of a virgin; grow from birth in fully human form, yet without sin; and He had to die as the spotless Lamb who could take our sins to the cross and the grave.

Nativity Seen

December 22, 2022 05:00

You and I didn't get to be there when Jesus walked the earth -- but we have God's truth as evidence that He came. Even more evidence of His impact is the change that takes place within us when we choose to follow Him. When God transforms our lives, that's evidence to the world that He's real and the Gospel story is true.


December 21, 2022 05:00

God's given each and every one of us amazing gifts, talents, and abilities -- and they're best used when they glorify Him. The greatest gift that's ever been given is Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf. All we have to do is receive it.

It’s A Wonderful Life

December 20, 2022 05:00

If you or someone you know is struggling so much in this life that you wish you'd never been born, the best thing you can do is be born again. Through all of our struggles and suffering, the only hope we can cling to is in God Almighty. He sees the whole picture, He knows the whole story, and He has good plans for each and every person who puts their trust in Him.

Hey Zeus

December 19, 2022 05:00

Salvation goes beyond a "get-out-of-jail-free" card and a ticket to Heaven. It involves living a life of peace and joy through Jesus while still here on earth. So often we accept Christ and then continue living in our own power, trying to fix our own sin, when in reality, God empowers us through His Spirit to overcome that sin if we're just willing to submit our lives to Him.

Star To Finish

December 17, 2022 05:00

Jesus' entire life -- from conception to the cross -- was a fulfillment of prophecies that had been spoken of the Messiah all along. At some point, we have to come to a place of choosing whether or not to believe that He is who He says He is, and who the prophecies said He would be. One day, we'll each stand before His throne and answer for the choice that we make.  

Twinkle Twinkle

December 16, 2022 05:00

Our God is so powerful that all He had to do was speak, and the entire universe was formed. At the very beginning of time, God designed Jesus' birth to be revealed in the stars when He created the heavens and the earth -- and when He sent His Son to this world, He ordained that a star would proclaim that very birth.

It’s A Gift

December 15, 2022 05:00

God offers each of us the ultimate gift, bought and paid for with the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. The best part is that it's absolutely free -- all we have to do is reach out and accept it. And once we've received such an immeasurable act of love, we can't help but respond in worship.

The Inn Crowd

December 14, 2022 05:00

When it comes to picking people who will become part of His Kingdom, God doesn't choose the ones who would seem logical in the eyes of the world. The "in crowd" is simply made up of those who hear His Word and respond in obedience.

The X In Xmas

December 13, 2022 05:00

Jesus is the "X" factor in us -- He allows us to do things that just don't seem possible from the outside looking in. When we choose to believe that God can accomplish anything and everything He says He will, we get a front-row seat to watch the impossible take place.

Love Story

December 12, 2022 05:00

Of all the relationships we may experience in this lifetime, the deepest love we'll ever receive is from God Himself. His love went beyond all human comprehension when He gave His own Son for us. The only way we can experience truly unconditional love is by having a personal and intimate relationship with Him.

The Haves And Have Nots

December 10, 2022 05:00

Scripture instructs us that we're to care for the marginalized -- the widows, the orphans, the poor, the sick -- but too often, we segregate ourselves from the very people we're called to love. When we obey God and give sacrificially of ourselves to bless others, it's as if we're giving to Jesus Himself.

What If?

December 09, 2022 05:00

Many people walk through life fearing all the "what ifs" that could happen. But when we put our faith in God, we trade our "what ifs" for "what is" -- and what is certain is that God promises to take care of us, provide for all our needs, and work all things for our good, no matter what negative situations come our way.

Passion Fruit

December 08, 2022 05:00

Have you ever smelled soil when it's been freshly fertilized? It smells awful -- but it's also crucial to the soil producing a good harvest. Sometimes our lives start to "smell", and it's because God may be fertilizing the soil around us so that we can begin to produce spiritually. Jesus was passionate about us, even to the point of death, and in order for us to bear fruit, it's critical that we be passionate about spreading the Gospel.


December 07, 2022 05:00

When a fire goes out, the ashes can be stoked, and the flame can be relit from the embers. In the same way, our excitement about our salvation might fade over time, but that spark can be renewed if we stoke the embers of gratitude. When we remember God's blessings in our lives, big or small, it re-ignites a spirit of thankfulness for all that He's given us.

New Digs

December 06, 2022 05:00

God doesn't simply dwell in a place; God dwells in people. When we become Christians, God's Spirit resides in us, and we bring Him with us everywhere we go. When we congregate in a church setting, we're coming together as the Body of Christ -- and since our bodies make up God's temple, it's important that we treat them accordingly.

God Save The Queen

December 05, 2022 05:00

No matter how much value we place on earthly treasures, we can't take any of them into eternity. But when we instead focus on storing up crowns in Heaven, we can "ship ahead" the spiritual treasures that come from living in obedience to God and sharing the Good News of the Gospel with the people around us.

God Rocks

December 03, 2022 05:00

Sometimes God calls us to step out in faith, not just for our own sake, but so that others can see evidence of the miraculous work He does when we're willing to trust Him. Our faithfulness to surrender points directly back to His faithfulness to provide for us.


December 02, 2022 05:00

Scripture tells us that Jesus came to seek and save the lost -- and God's placed us on this earth so that we can be part of that mission. In order to be true witnesses for the Gospel, we need to have an ongoing and actively growing relationship with Jesus. The more closely we follow Him, the more He can make a different in and through us to get people hooked on the abundant life He offers.

By Heart

December 01, 2022 05:00

God knows each one of us by heart -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows all of our sin, and all the times we've chosen other things above Him. Yet still He chose to send His Son to die for us. When we begin to more fully comprehend the depths of His love for us, we can start to love Him and other people in a new and selfless way.

Birthday Suit

November 30, 2022 05:00

The devil knows your name, but he calls you by your sin. God knows your sin, but He calls you by your name. As believers, we need to learn what it means to rest in the covering of Christ, knowing we've been redeemed by His sacrifice. We don't have to live in shame any longer, because God's grace and mercy have covered all our sins.

Pink Cadillac

November 29, 2022 05:00

Whether we realize it or not, our lives are the only Bible some people may ever read. As Christians, we represent God to the world, and we should live in such a way that we represent Him well. When He's in the driver's seat of our daily thoughts and actions, not only do we display His love more clearly to those around us -- we also experience the benefits that come with living the way He intended for us to live.

Get Directions

November 28, 2022 05:00

Would you rather get directions before you become disoriented, or after you're already lost from going off-track? Jesus said that the road to destruction is wide and many will follow it, but few find the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life. The only way to reach that path is by following God's direction in our lives -- and the first place we should be turning to find that is the Bible.

Remote Control

November 26, 2022 05:00

When we choose to follow Jesus, His power resides in us, and that means He has remote control of our lives even without being physically present. He taught us to ask our Heavenly Father for whatever's in our heart, no matter how big or small, and to believe in faith that if it's according to His will, He'll be faithful to give it to us.

The Sweet Buy & Buy

November 25, 2022 05:00

Everything we have has been given to us by God -- which means it was never really ours, anyway. Before we buy anything, we should be praying and asking Him if it's a wise purchase. Over time, as we start to view "our" money as God's money, we begin to think twice about how we spend it.

Gee, Thanks

November 24, 2022 05:00

What do you do when you ask for something, and the answer is "no"? The Bible encourages us not only to ask God for things, but to be persistent in our asking. But once He's answered our prayer, we need to accept His final word on the subject -- even if we don't necessarily like His answer. God always has a purpose and a plan beyond what we can see, and sometimes, learning to trust Him is a better gift than whatever we were asking for to begin with!

Ya Thank

November 23, 2022 05:00

Thankfulness begets thankfulness. The more we thank God for what He's given us, the more gratitude we feel towards Him. And the more gratitude we feel towards Him, the more motivated we are to listen to His voice and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit when He calls us to love, help, and serve others.

Team Others

November 22, 2022 05:00

God designed His Church to be a family -- a body of people who love, mentor, support, and freely give to one another. We're called to be others-focused, not self-focused. All that we have is ultimately God's, and how we give back to Him is reflected in how we show His love toward other people.

A Time For Everything

November 21, 2022 05:00

We can't always control our circumstances, but we can always control how we respond to them. When we trust that God is sovereign above all things, we're better able to trust that His plans are greater than ours and that He's ultimately in charge, no matter the situation we find ourselves in.

Perfect Stranger

November 19, 2022 05:00

The hungry. The thirsty. The stranger. The naked. The sick. The imprisoned. These are all people who Jesus commands us to treat as though they were Jesus Himself. But we often miss out on opportunities to be His hands and feet because we overlook the people society would call "the least of these". When we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us, He opens our eyes in new ways to see those who were formerly invisible to us -- and He prompts us to act as the Body of Christ, moving and serving just as ...

Go Viral

November 18, 2022 05:00

Jesus left His disciples with the Great Commission -- the directive to go and spread the Gospel throughout the whole world. But do you know what's even more amazing? The same power that was in those disciples, who took the Gospel to the ends of the earth, is also in us when we choose to follow Jesus. We're not meant to keep what He's done for us hidden; we're meant to share the Good News, and share it far and wide!

The Middle Ages – Bioillogical Clock

November 17, 2022 05:00

God has a perfect plan for my life, your life, and the life of each baby who has yet to be born. Many of us long to become parents -- and that's okay! But if we're not careful, we can be quick to jump ahead of God's timing in giving us children. When we're tempted to focus on making our will happen, we need to slow down, take a step back, and trust that God's will is perfect.

The Middle Ages – Midwife Crisis

November 16, 2022 05:00

It's common for people -- men, especially -- to go through a "midlife crisis" where we get bored with what we have, and set our eyes on what we don't have in hopes that it will bring us pleasure. But sin has consequences, no matter our age, and the way to resist being distracted by the things of this world is to fix our eyes on Jesus knowing He's the only One who can provide true satisfaction.

The Middle Ages – Men On Pause

November 15, 2022 05:00

Every woman knows that menopause is inevitable -- but it's also a result of Eve's sin in Eden. And when women go through the physical changes that come with age, it's difficult not only for them, but also for their husbands. Men may not be able to identify fully with the struggle that comes from this season of life, but they still have a role to play: trusting God, having patience, and loving their wives through it.

Yah Mo B There

November 14, 2022 05:00

We can go our whole lives having Jesus all around us, but never truly having Him in us. The Bible tells us that if we love Him, we'll obey His commands. When He moves into our hearts, He changes us from the inside out and gives us the will to obey -- but we still have to make the choice to sacrifice the pleasures of this world for His sake.


November 12, 2022 05:00

Matthew 12:34 tells us that out of the heart, the mouth speaks. The words that come out of our mouth reveal what's inside of us -- and as Christians, what's inside of us should reflect Christ. If we have poor self-control over the words we speak, it's likely we have poor self-control over our actions, too. As representatives of God to the world around us, it's our responsibility to tame our tongue and speak truth in love.


November 11, 2022 05:00

People have a tendency to ask God why He doesn't do something about the injustice we see in this world. And just as often, God's answer can be found when we lo0k in the mirror -- because His answer is us. He wants to use us as His hands and feet, to make a difference in this world, to do good in His name and for His glory.

Here I Am Baby

November 10, 2022 05:00

God doesn't use people who are perfect (there's no such thing!) -- He uses people who are willing. Once we accept His forgiveness in our lives, we can offer ourselves to Him in every way, to be used as He pleases. And when we live in that mindset of sacrificial obedience to Him, He uses us to change the world.


November 09, 2022 05:00

God promises to forget our sin when we confess it to Him and receive the forgiveness offered through Christ's death and resurrection. So if He's faithful to not hold it against us...why do we always seem to hold it against ourselves? We're not meant to wear the guilt of our past once He's set us free. Instead, we're called to shed it, move forward, and not allow it to define us anymore.


Gone with the Wind
1 Episode