Learn about nature therapy and how it can help support your mental health and wellness as a mother. I share about my orientation as an ecofeminist therapist and a bit about how it transforms the conventional psychological approach to maternal mental wellness. 

In this episode, I share:

The main mental health assumptions of ecopsychology and eco therapy (applied ecopsychology)How a human-centered "anthropocentric"mindset is rooted in values of control and dominationHow ecotherapy transforms our approach to mental health and wellnessWhat it means to approach developmental challenges of mothering from a wellness and strength-based model rather than a medical modelWhy we have to consider personal, social, cultural, and enviornmental dimensions of mental wellnessWhat I mean when I say mental health is both personal and planetary (Roszak)How I see my mothering clients resonate with this approach: including ecogrief, alienation from modern mothering consumption, and the importance of spirituality The first stage of ecotherapy, or "upwork" (Clineball)Why your therapist's theoretical orientation is important 

Holistic mental health counselor and coach, Allie Davis, MS, LPCC, PhD specializes in supporting mothers during “matrescence”, the developmental transitions of motherhood. Throughout the perinatal period and beyond, Allie helps mothers  grow into the mother they envision for themselves, their family, and our planet

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