After taking a DNA test last year, Lindsay Blount found out she had a father and twenty+ siblings she had never met. As a result, she finds herself becoming more fully herself by living in the liminal space of identity. 

Our conversation covers:

Her mothering journey so farThe surprising discovery that shifted her understanding of herself and her familyThe effects on this knowledge on herself, her family, and her worldviewHow she coped through the disorientation of such a large shift in her identityHow the shift changed how she mothersHer greatest takeaways about identity itself and how we can work with the possibility of the liminal space

Lindsay Blount has a lot of labels: she’s a wife, a mom, a doctoral student, an assistant to a Dean, a writer, and a photographer. Recently, she had her identity completely uprooted when she took a 23andMe DNA test during the pandemic and found out some shocking news. In the last year, Lindsay has taken a deep dive into identity and it’s meaning down to the root. She challenges everyone to consider identity has something that is not a fixed part of your being, rather it is something you can learn and relearn.

Lindsay is currently writing her first book on identity shake ups and she hopes her story will inspire everyone to rip out the roots of their own identity and start creating a more true and authentic one.

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Root into Mother Nature with a mindful outdoor experience guided by Allie

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