Yoga Nidra for the deepest sleep. This forty-minute guided meditation slows down the breath and the mind so that the body can fully relax and drift off to a deep sleep. Rest and listen gently as you are guided through the deep layers of the body, the breath, and the mind until you float up into a night's sky full of stars while drifting off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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Elke is a 500 hr YT and is certified in Grief Yoga (R), Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and Transformational Sleep. Book your own private session with Elke

A very big and special thank you to my teacher, Ally Boothroyd. Subscribe or visit her website for her yoga teacher training, workshops, and retreats

I would also like to say thank you to DJ Taz Rashid, Momentology, & Songs of Eden for providing the soothing background music for many of my meditations.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti - Peace Peace Peace

It should be noted that some people can be distressed by meditation and mindfulness and therefore this might not be appropriate for everyone and is not a treatment for any disorder and is not a substitute for professional care.

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