As Rental Property Owners and Landlords, we need to be aware of the changing demographics, trends, and technologies that are shaping the future of Real Estate Investing, especially when it comes to the impact of Millenials and Generation Z on our businesses.

Linda Liberatore speaks on these topics all over the country and is the Founder & CEO of Secure Pay One, a company dedicated to Landlord Empowerment.  She's also the author of the bestselling books: "Landlord's Secrets", "My Landlord Helper: The Keys to Managing Your Real Estate", and "Daily Inspirations to Achieve Your Real Estate Investment Goals".

Linda's going to help us understand Demographic Trends and the expectations of Generation Z that you must consider, Cost-Effective Technology Solutions that you can apply to your rental business, Social Media Marketing, Navigating the Friction Points in Leasing & Marketing, and her projections of what changes we should expect in the coming years.

Linda shares a lot of great knowledge and experience in this episode.  You can get in touch with her by email, phone or website:

[email protected]


