Hiring Contractors, handling Maintenance issues and dealing with City Inspections are a reality of owning residential rental property.  The level of efficiency and quality employed in handling these issues can either add huge value or create huge problems for your investment properties.  It can be helpful to understand the best practices employed by the professionals in our industry to make sure we're following the rules and not wasting money.

That's why today's conversation is a must listen for anyone who owns or is thinking of owning Rental Property.  We are going to break down the process of taking proper care of your investment property.  We're going to discuss the logistics of scheduling repairs with your tenants, managing expectations of owners and residents, finding and hiring the best vendors and contractors, and handling city inspections.

Having this conversation with me today are two experts in their field: Amanda Szabo is a general manager at LeaseGR, a West Michigan Property Management Company that has been in business for over 15 years.  Tom Harrold is the manager of Rental Property Maintenance (RPM), a West Michigan company that handles maintenance, repairs, and rehabs for landlords and property managers in the Grand  Rapids area.  

This is a great nuts & bolts episode for understanding the best ways to take care of your rental property investments.  You can reach Amanda and Tom in the following ways:

Amanda Szabo, General Manager at LeaseGR


[email protected]


Tom Harrold, Manager @ Rental Property Maintenance (RPM)


[email protected]