I met Ramond Harris II at the RPOA's Annual Conference last month, and after hearing his story I knew that we needed to record a podcast immediately.  You see, Ramond is seemingly a successful Detroit-based wholesaler, rehabber & flipper.  But there was something wrong with his business model, and he was trying to figure out how to fix it.

So I invited Patrick Spitzley and Justin Workman, two experienced rehabbers and Friends of the Show, to join us for a Mastermind Session, in which we learned about the challenges facing Ramond in his business, analyzed his situation, and helped him come up with concrete solutions to improve his systems and create more profit for himself.

And I thought we were doing a pretty good job.  Until half-way through the mastermind session Ramond dropped a bomb into the conversation.  At that point we realized what the real problem was...!

I know you're going to enjoy this conversation with Ramond.  You'll learn a lot about what it means to be an entrepreneur and investor, and how some of the decisions we make can impact us without even realizing it.  Ramond really opens himself up to the group and isn't afraid to share the whole truth about his business.

At the end of the episode you'll also get to enjoy a recent update from Ramond, as well as the conversation that took place after everyone thought I'd turned of the microphones!  This is one of my favorite episodes, so I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Ramond can be reached by email:  [email protected]