Previous Episode: Relationship with Health

WHAT IS GASLIGHTING?! We decided to talk about relationship with gaslighting because previous to us hitting record, we were talking about how it feels to question our feelings. We started to share what it's like to not TRUST in ourselves, our own reality, and what we feel, which lead us to hit record and talk about this very destructive relationship with gaslighting.

In this episode, we try to dissect what exactly gaslighting is and how it affects us as individuals and as a society. We share about our relationships with being on the receiving end of gaslighting and we asked ourselves if we've been the one to throw the gasoline on another. 

This relationship is destructive if it continues and we really want to open up the conversation in your world. Because, when one is being gaslit, it makes you abandon yourself- and that's not okay. This kind of behaviour reaches us on many levels - and although not everyone experiences gaslighting, many do, and we hope that this conversation can help you look within and start to trust what YOU feel. 

With the word Gaslighting being very 'on trend' right now, we urge everyone to take a listen to this episode with curiosity and a gentle ear. Not everyone is being gaslit. Not everyone is trying to gaslight. But, this is a relationship that needs to be addressed because if you are being gaslit, you deserve to have support. 

So, take a breath and let us sit with you as we explore this relationship together. 

Sending you so much love,

Vicki and Arianne