Previous Episode: Relationship with Creativity
Next Episode: Relationship with Health

This is going to be a short and sweet description of this episode because it's just worthy of a listen! In our last episode, we talked about the relationship with creativity, and in this episode, we talk about the expression of creativity, because we all have our unique way of allowing our internal world to be released.

In many of our previous episodes, we shared similar experiences, but this is one relationship, creative expression, where we come from completely different views. One of us lands so beautifully in the way she experiences her creative expression, and the other hits a wall of resistance time and time again. Can you guess which one is which? The dynamic of our own unique relationship with creative expression unfolds in live time - you won't want to miss it because chances are, you will relate on some level.

Join us as we have a discussion and even debate about this very dynamic and expressive relationship.

Much love,

Vicki and Arianne 💞

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