Laurie Brown studied how to make women look beautiful in photos! Boom!

When we invited Laurie of Laurie MacBrown Photography to be a guest on our podcast, we weren’t exactly sure where the conversation would take us, but the result was truly epic!

With her tagline "transforming the way you see yourself in photos", Laurie uses her skills in posing and lighting to capture a woman's best self. What does this mean exactly? It means that YOU are enough and beautiful just as you are, and that is the message that Laurie helps her clients achieve through taking their photos.

How many times have you shied away from having your photo taken for fear that the result will be cringeworthy? Imagine if you could see yourself the same way that others do? What if you cried tears of happiness that the photo in front of you finally captured the beautiful essence that is YOU! In this episode, we talk to Laurie about how her clients experience an inner transformation just by having the right lighting and the best guidance on how to strike the perfect pose, all with the result of having more confidence.

This is not a conversation with a photographer. This is a conversation with a woman that cares about how people feel about themselves and how they see themselves in the world.

Laurie’s work is a self-affirming reminder that you are beautiful!

And, this episode is not just for women! Laurie’s heart and passion for this work are limitless.. so there is nobody left behind!

And, because Laurie is so passionate about YOUR inner transformation, she has created a special offer for anyone that listens to this episode! Just click the link below to see the beautiful offering she has for you.

Our heart is so full from this episode. We hope yours will be too!

With love

Vicki and Arianne ❣️