In this completely unedited episode, we are moved to tears by Jody Francis as she shares what it's like to be a POC (person of colour). 

Not only is Jody a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion professional, but she is someone that moves through the world with a brave, courageous and generous heart, and we were absolutely thrilled when she said yes to being a guest on our podcast to speak about Relationship with Race. And, as excited as we were, there was a level of anxiety within all of us due to the emotional charge that comes with this topic. So, the three of us leaned into our discomfort, carried on, and what was birthed from this episode was nothing short of amazing. 

We laughed and we cried. We made mistakes and we are learning. These are the conversations - ones about race and white privilege- that should be happening in households all over the world. These conversations aren't easy, but they are necessary. 

Join us as Jody Francis gently and beautifully shares her story and what her unique experiences have been and continue to be as a person of colour. Please, we invite you to open your hearts, open your mind, press play and be curious about what you can learn about your own relationship with race.

"When we know better, we do better. " ~Maya Angelou

Thank you Jody for being so brave! We love you!

Arianne and Vicki