Does the word dieting bring up a wave of nausea for you? Or maybe you get flashbacks to a time (maybe, even as recent as last week) when you decided to try a new 'fad diet' and then 'fell off the wagon'? Either way, the diet culture is real, and it's been around for far too long. That's why we were so excited to have Jenn Huber, a non-diet dietician and N.D. share her wealth of information on a new(ish) to the world relationship with un-dieting. 

The dieting culture impacts more than our relationship with food.  Here are just a few keywords that Jen mentions that have NOTHING to do with food and everything to do with how we experience ourselves in relationship to food. Just see if any sound or feel familiar:


We then flip the script as Jenn shares how she would like to see us in relationship with food (and therefore ourselves)

body neutralityintuitive eatingsafe!!taste hunger, taste hunger, taste hunger - read that again people! food joy

In this episode, Jenn gently shares her views on being in a flexible and forgiving relationship with food, which you can imagine would create a different relationship with yourself (or maybe it's vice versa). We really feel this episode is worth the listen due to the strong messaging that's been ingrained for far too long. Please, allow yourself time to hear what's desperately in need of being heard as Jenn offers such grace, compassion and understanding towards a relationship that has been plaguing us for decades. Press play. Share it with your friends. Let us know what you think.

Much love,

Arianne and Vicki ❣️

You can find more out about Jenn Huber:
IG: @menopause.nutritionist

Vicki Wilburn:
IG: @masterpeacecounselling

Arianne Moore
IG: @ariannemooreofficial