In this episode of Relating to Self, I have a conversation with Richard D. Bartlett.

Richard helps people grow high-trust communities & decentralized organizations.
He's a co-founder of tech co-op Loomio, community building network Microsolidarity, non-hierarchical management consultancy The Hum, and director of the social impact collective Enspiral.

Topics, resources, and useful links mentioned in the episode:

Why Richard is suspicious of the SelfRelating to Self as inner conversations with mischievous kidsComing to a more agentic state of mindRelating within a groupGood company as a privilege, how to create it?Extending co-regulation into our identityHow to be a good mammalCultivating trust as a practiceMaking relationships themselves as the object of curiosityThe meaning of "grace"The balance between our animal and human sidesThe illusion of free willMeeting people where they areNon-attachment to outcome and wonderNot pushing your reality onto other peopleBeing famous for values that serve peopleWhat's difficult for RichardOptimism as a lens

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