JJ Virgin shares the perfect strategies & hacks to get you back on track when life tries to derail you from pursuing your health goals. She gives specific advice for each of the most common situations, including: during and after being sick or injured; travel challenges; and (of course) those well-meaning family and friends. Check out JJ’s Mindset CPR and other strategies and you’ll always have an effective way to turn your situation around!


Key Takeaways:

[1:26] Why do we get off course? Getting sick, injuries, travelling, and family crises are the most obvious, but it’s a surprising common problem that some of us actually don’t feel we are worthy! 

[2:16] When you are sick or injured it is even more important to take better care of yourself. And sorry, but “comfort foods” are definitely NOT the answer…

[2:31] If you are sick, have bone broth! Check this article for a deeper dive: http://www.getjjv.com/bone-broth

[3:10] Get more protein — L-glutamine in particular can help when you are sick or injured.

[3:24] The worst thing you can do is to turn to sugar; it lowers your immune system.

[4:01] Fever or achy joints are signs for you NOT to workout.

[4:50] Start moving again — easy exercising — when you feel weak, but getting better.

[6:13] Plan ahead when you are travelling — take your blender!

[7:20] Try to know the places where you will go, Whole Foods can be delivered, too!

[8:43] Make sure you have a gym in your hotel, not a fitness room!

[9:20] Friends and family: if they are not with you in your health choices, do not try to evangelize them, just be the best role model.

[10:33] Setting boundaries with your family.

[12:18] When you have a purpose that is big enough, you can push through obstacles, and build resilience. What are your reasons? WHY are those reasons important to you?

[13:30] Check out my blog article “Ten Ways to Supercharge Your Metabolism” for more tips:


[14:30] Try extra fiber for healthy weight loss!

[15:20] Listeners’ questions: Overcoming Self-sabotage

[17:41] Becoming aware of your self-talk – it’s much more dangerous than you think. Cancel the criticism!


Mentioned in this episode:

