Hello Everyone & Welcome Back to the RealPositiveGirl Podcast!

Thank you so much for joining me again!

Happy Monday!

This week's theme for the podcast is: I'm An Overcomer

This week I want to talk to you about being an overcomer. I believe all of us are overcomers & can continue to be overcomers simply by not giving up.

Being an overcomer is simply someone that succeeds in dealing with problems and/or difficulties in their lives & making the decision to not give up, even when situations get really tough. 

Here are some notes from today's episode:

 There are no prerequisites to being an overcomer or what would be considered one. If you feel you are or have overcome something, you’re an overcomer.And it’s important to acknowledge you are an overcomer because you are telling yourself you are working to become a better version of yourself & be proud of yourself for not giving up, even in your darkest moments. And even if you took a pause for a moment, but came back to the fight, that isn’t considered giving up, you’re still an overcomer.And as specific as this may seem, this week I will be sharing with you some things I myself am working on overcoming or have overcome in the past. But I know these topics will still resonate with so many of you because these are common. (quick rundown of episodes)Specifically today we are going to be talking about overcoming people-pleasing.Being a people pleaser is so common to many & is usually learned at a young age, but not always. And being a people pleaser isn’t necessarily just about wanting to make others happy, but goes deeper than this. It’s common it has a lot to do with your self-worth. And it’s rooted in fear to gain love & acceptance. And in my case, I developed a people-pleasing personality because I was mistreated growing up & came to the conclusion that if I was going to survive this life, I needed to please everyone around me. This then developed into a way of life. Another way this can come about is believing if you are nice & do things for everyone, there will be acceptance.And let’s quickly identify some signs of someone that is a people pleaser, in case you aren’t sure if you are one or not. Quick list: You need others to like you, you have a low opinion of yourself, you always adapt your opinion to fit someone else’s, you aren’t able to say ‘no’ & establish boundaries. And these are just a few examples.People-pleasing is easily confused with thinking you’re being kind & if you don’t continue to give everything you have, you’ll be seen as selfish or not a good person. But honestly, this is just a false belief you have taken on because it’s a type of protection for you.Let’s talk about some ways we can overcome people-pleasing & leave that personality behind:1. Know you aren’t responsible for other’s feelings & emotions.2. Accept that not everyone needs to like you for you to like yourself.3. Take care of yourself first if you want to keep taking care of others.4. Set boundaries. ( Do I want to do this, really?/Will I have to sacrifice something important to me for this?/How will I feel participating?)5. Wait to be asked & still evaluate the request before agreeing.

Please share this podcast with anyone that may need this encouragement!

Thank you again for listening & I hope this episode was helpful.

Come visit me on my Instagram page @sabrinajoyperozzo to say hi!

Have any questions, comments or feedback?  Send me an email at [email protected] or visit my website: www.sabrinajoy.com

See you for tomorrow's episode!