Previous Episode: 116: Tribalism

Episode 021: Today’s show is all about beliefs. Our beliefs are so important for how we experience the world and understanding how and why they are formed and how to change them is something I work on with clients all the time. In this episode I talk about interesting research and studies that answer questions about our […]

The post Rebroadcast: Understanding Your Beliefs appeared first on Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist.

Episode 021: Today’s show is all about beliefs. Our beliefs are so important for how we experience the world and understanding how and why they are formed and how to change them is something I work on with clients all the time. In this episode I talk about interesting research and studies that answer questions about our beliefs and how you can use this information to improve your thought patterns and behaviours.

Here’s what I talk about in this podcast episode:

1:40 Why we form beliefs

3:30 Why our brain wants beliefs

4:20 The evolutionary reason for beliefs

6:50 Beliefs are a blending of logic and emotion

8:55 How we form beliefs

9:50 Why our stories are more important than the actual events

10:45 How our internal dialogue impacts our belief

13:30 The impact of our culture

15:20 Beliefs are context based

18:10 How hunger can affect your beliefs

22:00 Implicit beliefs versus stated beliefs

29:40 We get to pick our beliefs to serve us best

33:30 Why taking action is better than “over-thinking”

37:35 How to change your internal environment

41:00 Why it’s also important change the external environment


Links for things I talk about in the show:

Stop Fighting Food Program

The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo

Implicit Association Test


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Thanks for joining me on this episode. Here is a link to see the other shows. Until next time!

The post Rebroadcast: Understanding Your Beliefs appeared first on Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist.