Episode 009: Health At Every Size is a movement that is growing in popularity. It was a movement largely shoved into the spotlight by Linda Bacon and her book Health At Every Size. The movement had been going on well before her but the book definitely gave it more attention than ever before. In today’s podcast […]

The post 009: Health At Every Size appeared first on Seven Health: Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet Nutritionist.

Episode 009: Health At Every Size is a movement that is growing in popularity. It was a movement largely shoved into the spotlight by Linda Bacon and her book Health At Every Size. The movement had been going on well before her but the book definitely gave it more attention than ever before.

In today’s podcast I want to look at what it is really about. I’m going to cover why I’m a supporter of a lot of what it teaches and promotes. I’m also going to look at some of the shortcomings or issues with it.


Here’s what I talk about in this podcast episode:

2:05 What is Health At Every Size Really About

4:08 Weight is correlated with disease, not the cause

6:30 What constitutes a healthy weight

8:10 What is the weight set point theory

11:40 Does losing weight lead to better health?

12:45 Weight bias and how it affects people

16:45 The problems with fat shaming

20:00 Why exercise is important outside of weight loss

21:55 Is thinner really more attractive

24:45 Health At Every Size needs a different name

28:25 Correlation errors and grey areas in research

31:25 Is it true that 95% of diets fail?

35:05 We have influence over weight, not control


Links and people I refer to in this show:

Health At Every Size

Linda Bacon

Yoni Freedhoff

Dr. David Katz

Ari Whitten


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The post 009: Health At Every Size appeared first on Seven Health: Intuitive Eating and Anti Diet Nutritionist.