Previous Episode: Slow Down
Next Episode: Be In Your Body

Today you’re being reminded that inspiration is everywhere and can be found all around you.

If you’re after some inspiration or insight about a particular issue or question you have, ask the question and then pay attention.

Inspiration doesn’t always come in sacred places or sacred spaces, it can strike at any moment, you just have to be paying attention.

Many people think that the best inspiration comes in a sacred space, in a ritual, or only when they set very clear intentions.

But this isn’t the case.

Intuition is most available to up when we’re relaxed, curious and open.

Ask the question and then hold the space to receive the answer.

Pay attention to what you hear – maybe you’ll hear repeating lyrics in a song, or overhear part of a conversation.

Notice what you feel – perhaps you will feel called to take action, reach out to a particular person, or visit a certain location.

Look around you with curiosity – are there symbolic signs that you’re seeing? These could be literal signs, or perhaps a bird lands on your windowsill, you see a quote that speaks to you, or something catches your eye and you know it was meant for you.

Often the best inspiration comes when we let go.

When we allow ourselves to stop searching for the answers they often just appear, which is why inspiration can so often come when you’re in the shower or enjoying yourself on holiday.

Pause, and take a breath. As you open yourself up to be inspired.