Previous Episode: Be Inspired
Next Episode: Speak Up

Today you’re being reminded of the importance of taking up space in your own body and being present within yourself.

You are a receptive being.

Every interaction you have with another allows you to receive part of them, more so when you have a physical or intimate relationship with them.

This is a beautiful thing, a way to connect deeply with another.

But it can become toxic if you are not fully in, and present within your own body and energy.

When you’re not fully present, you have the space to store the energy of other people, and you can store this within your own body and energetic field.

Pain, trauma, unwanted attention, and shame are just a few of the reasons that can cause you to disconnect from yourself physically.

These experiences can lead to it becoming too painful or overwhelming to be present in your body.

Being disconnected from yourself turns the beauty of receiving another into an experience where you can energetically keep them in your system for much longer than is appropriate.

When you’re fully present in your own body and your own energy system, when you take up all of your own space, there is no room for the unwanted or inappropriate energy of others.

There is no space for their energy, hurt or unwanted opinions or attention.

They can no longer influence you, drain you or stay within you.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as you return to your body.